Rove Part 2

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Ryan's POV

I've been watching my sisters lessons for awhile, but my eyes keep following that girl over there. She's really good at riding. I think I was staring at her because when she looked at me she blushed then turned her head. She gets off her horse with Caitlin and walks over to me. "You did a good job." She tells Caitlin. "Thanks you too." Caitlin says. Caitlin walks away to get her backpack so I'm alone with this beautiful girl. "Hi. I'm Ryan." I say and shake her hand. She blushes. "I'm Dove." She says quietly. I smile at her and say "You're a good rider." "T-thanks." She says. I nod and say "So... If you aren't busy. I guess if you want to come by my house later. That would be really cool." She smiles and nods "That would be fun." I get her number and then Caitlin comes back and we leave.

Dove's POV

Wow. That cute guy just asked me if I wanted to go over to his house in a little bit. Eeep! He just texted me 'It's Ryan. Wanna come over in an hour?' His text says. 'Sure' I type trying to play it cool because this guy seems really chill. I'm shy around boys so I hope he doesn't mind that. I'm so nervous. What should I wear. Maybe I can ask my sister. I think about Ryan all the way home. When I get home I talk to my sister about Ryan and she thinks I should just be casual and wear the jeans, t-shirt and combat boots I have on. I'm on my way to Ryan's. Ok here goes nothing.

Ryan's POV

Whoa something's happening to me. I'm normally super chill around girls, but for some reason I'm nervous about Dove coming over. What if I mess up? Oh man and I have to get back to LA to record in a few weeks. There's a quiet knock on my apartment door. I fix my hair then open it. "Hey." I say. "Hi." She says. I let her in and say "Make yourself at home. You can throw your stuff down where ever." She carefully takes off her shoes and puts them by mine before we walk over and sit on the couch. "So... I feel like we don't know much about each other." I say. She nods. "How old are you?" I ask. "17." She quietly says. I nod. "What about you?" She asks. "I'm 20." I say. She nods. I need to make her more comfortable with me. "Do you have a job?" I ask. She shakes her head. "You?" She asks. "I'm a singer and actor." I say. "Really?" She asks. "Ya. I live in LA and just rent out this place when I visit my family." I say. She nods. "Well San Fransisco isn't that far away you know." She says. "Yeah. I know." I chuckle. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure." She says. I turn on a scary movie because there's this new one out and it's supposed to be really scary, plus I think Dove will be more comfortable with me after watching it. "That looks scary." She says when I play the movie. "I know." I say and smile. She smiles and I move closer to her. At one point in the movie it starts storming and then a clown jumps out. Dove hides her face and then the power goes out and it's pitch black. I put my arm around her. "Ryan?" She whispers. "I'm right here." I say and pull her close to me. I turn on my phone as a flash light and Dove looks scared. She puts her head on my chest and cuddles against me. I smile. I haven't ever had a girl look at me the way Dove does. That's weird how the power went out while we were watching this scary movie. I feel Dove's heart beating so fast. I shine my phone at her and she smiles. "You ok?" I ask her raising my eyebrow. She nods. She plays with the hem of my jacket. She's so cute. A little while later the power comes on and so does the TV. We finish the movie and Dove seems to be a lot more comfortable with me. We make each other laugh constantly. At about 7 she says she has to leave or her mom will be worried. On her way out I ask "By the way... Will you go out with me tomorrow?" "Like a date?" She asks. I nod and she says "Yes." We say goodbye and she leaves.


part 3 will be coming soon, this chapter is written by miamathe, big thanks to her and make sure to follow her :)

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now