Part 9

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Dove's POV
Ryan and I have been at the campsite for three days, and every time he touches me I flinch and I'm pretty sure he's getting suspicious. Last night didn't help because of that stupid flashback I had. I think it's best that I tell him what's going on because I'm so scared because it's most likely going to happen again. End of POV
Ryan's POV
Somethings up with Dove and she won't tell me what's bothering her, I'm getting worried about her. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night to her screaming in her sleep, I thought it was a nightmare but it could be more but I'm not sure what. End of POV
Dove: hey can we talk?
Ryan: yeah sure, what's up?
You know how lately I've been flinching lately?
Ryan: yeah
Dove: well last year I was dating a guy named Drew and he was horrible.
Ryan: what did he do to you?
Dove: he was very abusive when he didn't get what he wanted or he would rape me. Then finally he got arrested but he got out not too long ago and let's just say he found me and hit me a few times and every time you touch me it kinda hurts.
Ryan: why didn't you tell me this before?
Dove: well I didn't think he would've gotten out so soon and wouldn't have found me.
Ryan: don't worry I'll make sure you're safe, he kisses her on the lips and they have a little make out session. After fifteen minutes of making out
Dove: hey do you want to go swimming?
Ryan: yeah sure
They go get changed and head over to a river . Once Dove took off her shorts and t shirt that was over her bikini , Ryan noticed the bruises. " that's it, when we get back home I'm gonna beat the crap out of Drew" Ryan says angrily.
They saw a vine and they started swinging from the vine into the water, after a few hours they decided to go back to the camp site and had a bonfire and they decided to go to bed

Stay tuned

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