Part 7

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Next day
Dove's POV
I wake up to an unfamiliar room then I realized I slept over at Ryan's place. I got up and went down stairs, " Ryan isn't up yet" said Caitlin. Oh ok I replied then I run upstairs to Ryan's room and try to wake him up but it didn't work so I kissed him and he kissed back I pull away. Morning sleepy head I said, " morning beautiful " he responded. " Hey I was thinking maybe we could go on a camping trip this weekend "? He suggested, yeah I'd love that, It'll give us some alone time. I said excitedly.
End of POV
Ryan and Dove go downstairs and have breakfast, "so how long are we going to be away?"Asked Dove
" Hm I was thinking a week as long as it doesn't ruin your training schedule " said Ryan. " sounds good, I'm so excited I haven't went camping in a while". She mentioned
" What do you want to do today ?" Asked Ryan, "maybe we could go shopping then go swimming , Dove suggested. " alright let's go". He said
After they went shopping and swimming, Dove decided to go home since her sister was home for a few days before going back to Ohio.
Claire: so I hear you got yourself a boyfriend?
Dove: yeah I do, his name is Ryan
Claire: wow , I thought you weren't in to the whole relationship thing
Dove: well I decided to let loose and try something new for a change, besides we're going on a camping trip this weekend
Claire: aren't you in training for upcoming shows?
Dove: I'm only doing schooling shows for now then the bigger ones after Christmas . Well I'm going to head to bed, I had a busy day, night.

miamathe is going to write the next one😃 stay tuned

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