Part 30

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Dove's POV

I wake up the next morning in my bed. The last thing I remember was falling asleep with Ryan. He's not beside me though. I see he texted me:

Ryan- Hey sweetheart. Had to leave to meet with agent this morning. Call me when you get up❤️

I smile and call him. We had a short conversation because he had to go to a meeting, but he said he'll pick me up at 2:00 and we can hang out. That means I have 3 hours to do whatever. I eat lunch and watch TV. I go into my room and check my phone. There's still a lot of hate and people found my Instagram and twitter and were hating on me about not being able to ride. I sigh and turn off my phone. I lay on my bed and look at the trophies, metals and posters of horses and riding. I wish I could do it again. People don't even understand why I had to quit. I didn't want to. Tears run down my cheek. Then there's a knock at the door. Oh no it's Ryan. He's smiling, but when he sees me his smile fads. I wipe my eyes quickly and open the door. "Hey Ryan!" I say trying to be happy. "Dove why were you crying?" He asks. "Crying?" I nervously laugh. "I wasn't crying." I say. Ryan closes the door and kisses me. "I can tell when you're lying. Why were you crying?" He asks. "N-nothing." I stutter. "Dove." He says intertwining our fingers and putting his forehead against mine. "I-I just...miss r-riding." I say. "And?" He asks. I pull away and say "Nothing." "Oh really?" He asks raising an eyebrow. I nod and he says "Let me see you phone." I don't want him to worry. "No." I say. "Then what's wrong? Are people hating on you?" He asks. I slowly nod and he sighs. He hugs me and I wrap my arms around his waist trying not to cry. "I really miss it." I cry. "And my horses...a-and my friends." I stutter. He rubs my back and says "It's ok." I slowly nod and he asks "Do you want to go out to dinner?" "Sure. I'll go change." I say. "Why you look great." He says. I look down at my dark jeans and light blue slim fit t-shirt. Ryan's wearing a red shirt and light blue jeans with a black jacket. "I'll fix my hair." I say and go to my bathroom. Ryan follows and wraps his arms around my waist. "You don't need make up." He says. "Yes I do." I say. "No you don't. You look amazing." He says. I blush and say "Alright." He smiles and we get in his car. When we get there I didn't realize it was so cold. I shiver and Ryan puts his arm around me. He wraps his jacket around my shoulders and then we eat. After dinner we hold hands and walk around a park. "Today was fun." I say. "It was." He says. I smile and he kisses me. I smile and when we pull away we walk back to his car and he takes me home. "Wanna stay?" I ask because it starts storming. "Yes I don't really wanna drive in this." He says pointing to the window. "Ok I'll shower." I say and go into my bathroom. When I come out Ryan took off his shirt and I sit beside him on the bed. We lay down and I cuddle against him as he covers us up. "Goodnight Dove." He says. "Night Ry." I whisper and then I fall asleep.


You guys know who my partner is, full credit to her and make sure to follow her. Thanks for all the views and comments and votes:) I also want to let you know that there's going to be a lot of books coming soon.

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now