Part 35

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Ryan is now 26 and Dove is now 24.
Dove's POV
Ryan and I have been married for a year and a half and have a baby boy named Shane who is 2 months old. Honestly I thought it would be harder but it's actually not too bad, he's a good baby but is still fussy at night. It's now 2:00 am and I hear crying, I get up and try not to wake up Ryan but that wasn't easy. He opens his eyes and I tell him, go back to sleep, I got him. He laid back still half asleep and I walked out to Shane's room. I gently pick him up and I change his diaper and he's still crying. I breast fed him, I'm hoping that he will learn the bottle when he's 4 months old. I sit in the rocking chair and rock him back to sleep. End of POV
Ryan's POV
It's been 35 minutes, what's taking her so long? I ask myself. I get out of bed and go to Shane's room and I see Dove rocking Shane in her arms and he's fast asleep. I walk up to her from behind and put my arms around her waist as she puts Shane in his crib. She jumped a bit when she felt my arms but relaxed after, she turns around and kisses me on the lips passionately and I kiss her back with the same amount of passion. When we pulled away we have our foreheads resting on each other's, she turned away after a while and she whispered, people are right he is a mini you. She said still looking at Shane. I totally agree with you but who knows maybe baby number two could look like you. I whisper back. She smiles and I picked her up bridal style back to our room, I think we know what happens after that... End of POV

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now