Part 26

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Dove's POV

I wake up to my head on Ryan's chest and his steady breathing. I open my eyes and the sun blinds me. I cover my face with my hands and look at my phone that says 10:30. "Morning Dove Happy Valentine's Day!" Ryan says yawning. "Good morning." I say. He kisses me. "You want to go to the beach?" He asks. "Yes!" I say. "Alright go get ready." He says and kisses my cheek.  About an hour later we get brunch and go to the beach. "Want to hit the water?" Ryan asks as we set up chairs. "Maybe in a little bit." I say. "Aw. Come on." He says as I sit down. "Go ahead and I'll be there in a little bit." I say. "Alright." He says and takes off his shirt. "But don't take off your shorts and shirt. I don't want other guys staring at you." He says and runs off. I smile. Nothing is going to happen. I take off my shirt and shorts so I'm wearing my bikini and pull out a magazine. I start reading then someone stands over me. Is it Ryan? I look up and it's a tall guy with dirty blonde hair. "Um...can I help you?" I ask. He licks his lips and nods. I look over at Ryan talking to someone in the water. "What do you need?" I ask. He kneels down to my height and says "How about you and me have some fun." "No. My boyfriend is here." I say quickly. "Where?" He asks. "In...the water." I say. "Eh." He says and grabs my arm. I scream and he wraps his arms around me. I try to get out of his grip, but can't. "Hey!" I hear and then see Ryan run over. He punches the guy and grabs my arm pulling me against him. The kid runs off. "What's wrong with you? I told you not to take off your shirt and shorts." Ryan says pushing away. I look down. "I'm sorry." I whisper. He tilts my head up and kisses me. "You don't have to be sorry. I just don't want anything to happen to you." He says. I nod and he hugs me. Tears start to go down my cheek and Ryan pulls away and looks at me. "Don't cry. It's ok. I shouldn't have left you." He says. I look down again and he kneels down looking up at me. "Hey Please don't be sad." He says. I nod and he kisses me again. "Now want to go in the water?" He asks. I nod and we run off. He takes my hand and we run into the water. I trip and fall in. Ryan laughs and jumps on me. He rolls over pulling me on top of him. We laugh. "You're crazy." I say. "No you are." He says. I splash him and we have a water war. I jump on his back and he spins around. I kiss his cheek and we play around in the water. It starts getting late. Ryan and I go back up to our chairs and eat a really late lunch because it's 4pm. "Let me know if anyone or anything bothers you." Ryan says sitting beside me. "I will." I say. He smiles and kisses my cheek. "I'm never leaving you alone again." He says taking another bite. "Did he hurt you?" He asks. "No. He asked "if I wanted to have some fun?" Whatever that means." I say. "You know what that means." Ryan says moving closer. I roll my eyes and he whispers in my ear. "Want to go have some fun?" I giggle and push him off the chair. He laughs and falls on the sand. He pulls me on top of him and we get all sandy. "Want to go shower?" He asks. "Yeah." I say. We pack up. We walk back to the beach house at sunset and it's really romantic. "Happy Valentine's Day baby." He says. "You too." I say and he kisses me. We pull away and keep walking. "I'm going to shower." I say going in the bathroom. "Can I come?" He asks. I roll my eyes and say "Come on." He takes his shirt off and I take off my shirt and shorts so we are both in our bathing suits. "This is so stupid." I say getting my hair wet. "No it's not. It's romantic." He says kissing me and pushing me against the wall. I deepen the kiss and run my fingers though his wet hair. We rinse off in the shower and Ryan walks over and starts kissing my neck. He sucks on my neck and then pulls away. "You taste like salt." He says spitting. "That's what happens when you go to the beach." I say kissing his cheek. He smiles and we turn off the water. Ryan wraps a towel around me and around his waist. He hugs me and rubs my arms drying me off. We go back into the bedroom and I push him on the bed landing on him. "How about a Valentine's Day dinner?" He asks. "Sure." I say laying on him and kissing him. "Mmm . Dove?" He mumbles through the kiss. "Yeah?" I breathe still kissing him. "I" He says pulling my hair a little. "I love you too." I say kissing him. We pull away and smile at each other. "Want to go?" I ask. "Yep." He says and we change. I put on a dress and Ryan puts on khaki shorts and a collared shirt. He takes my hand and we go out to his car. We eat at a casual place and after dinner decide to take a walk on the beach. He takes my hand and we watch the sunset. "Carful." He says as set over a hole someone dug. "You don't have to be so protective." I say. "Yes I do." He says wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. I smile and turn my head so I can kiss him. We kiss for awhile and then decide to head back up to the hotel. "Goodnight beautiful." Ryan says as we get in bed. "Night handsome." I say and he covers us up. He kisses me and when we pull away I immediately fall asleep in his arms.


You guys know my partner is on this book, if not look back a few chapters. All credit goes to her and make sure to follow her, if anyone wants to do a book with me then let me know.

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