Part 5

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The next day
Dove's POV
Oh my god, I'm so happy that Ryan and I are together, but now I'm gonna be really nervous to ride in front of him. Hopefully our relationship won't ruin my friendship with his sister. Well got to go to my lesson. I finally get there and I meet up with Ryan and his sister. Ryan greets me by kissing me on the cheek and were talking until our coach Stacy came to assign us our horses. End of POV
Stacy: Dove you are going to ride Dude, he can be a challenge but will make you an even better rider. By the way we are working on stadium today. Caitlin you are going to ride Summer. The girls groomed their horses and tacked them up, once they mounted and started their warm ups. Dude of course was acting up, where as Summer she's just behaving perfectly.
Dove's POV
This guy isn't scaring me at all but I quickly looked over at Ryan and he seems really suprised of how well I'm controlling this 2000 pound animal. End of POV
Stacy: alright, before we start the real course I want you guys to practice this combination so your horse doesn't get spooky or end up refusing. The girls did the combination a few times perfectly.
Caitlin did the course and only knocked one fence down. When it was Dove's turn, Dude was starting to get really hyper, once they got going he got better. Next minute he put his head down and took off, Dove was having a hard time staying balanced until she got him under control. They were approaching a fence then Dude refused and ran out, Dove fell off and landed on her back.
Dove's POV
Ryan comes running over, are you okay? He asks. Yeah I'm okay, it didn't feel good getting the wind knocked out of me. I got back on and did the course perfectly even though I had to be firm with him. End of POV
Ryan's POV
Wow, Dove's really brave. I know we haven't been together long but every time I see her ride I fall in love with her even more. End of POV
After the girls dismounted and untacked the horses and groomed them, Ryan went over to Dove's house to hang out. Dove's POV
Ryan and I decided to watch Supernatural, at one point I jumped into his arms, feeling safe in his arms. I started to fall asleep then Ryan carried me to my room and kissed my forehead and went home. End of POV

Thanks again for all the views and followers. I'll be posting part 6 which will be written by miamathe. Make sure to follow her, feel free to comment and vote:)

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