Part 34

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Dove's POV

The wedding is today! TODAY! That means in less then 12 hours I will be a married person! Married! To Ryan McCartan! Dove McCartan. I like the sound of that. I'm pacing back and forth Ryan and my apartment. "Dove. Take a deep breath." He says. I kiss him and walk away. He laughs and I sit at the table. I hope I don't mess anything up! What if I trip and fall?! "When are we leaving?" I ask. "Babe it's 6:00 in the morning. You kept tossing and turning so we're both awake now." Ryan says ruffling his hair. "I'm sorry. I'm so excited!" I say. "Me too!" Ryan says and a huge smile spreads across his face. "I love you." He says leaning down to my height because I'm sitting down. "I love you too." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. "In about 12 hours you'll be my wife." He says. I nod and blush. I peck his lips and he smiles. "Can I go back to bed now?" He asks still smiling. "Sure." I say and he walks to the bedroom in only his sweatpants. I giggle. What happens if I drop the ring? What if I trip on my dress and fall? What if I forget how to speak? What if the floor breaks? What if nobody shows up? What if I get lost? What if Ryan gets lost? What if I dress doesn't fit? What if aliens invade Earth on MY wedding day?! I'm now pacing back and forth. I lay on the couch and scream into one of the pillows. "Dove!" I hear Ryan call. I run into the bedroom and trip and fall over some of my dirty clothes. Ryan chuckles and picks me up. "Shhh...relax...your freaking out over nothing...all you have to say is I do." He says. I giggle and we sit there for a little bit. "Ok I'm super excited too. That was a lie." Ryan says and I turn around in his lap on the bed. "What if aliens invade Earth!" I yell. "What if the groom can no longer hear?" Ryan asks rubbing his ear and smiling. "Sorry." I say and kiss his ear. He smiles and puts his forehead against mine. We kiss and when we pull away we lay down. I start getting tired and see its still only 6:15. I close my eyes and cuddle against Ryan. "Thank god." I hear him whisper and kiss my forehead. I giggle and he chuckles. Then I fall back asleep.

You know who my partner is, all credit to her and make sure to follow her. 6 more chapters till the end!

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now