Part 29

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The next morning
Dove's POV
I wake up at 4:00 am and get up to eat breakfast, I decided to go for a run to clear my head as to has happened in such short time. When I get home, no one is awake and it's now 6:00 am, I go into the kitchen to grab some water so my breathing can go back to normal. My muscles are still cramped so I decided to go walk it off, when I went to go walk off my cramps I bumped into an old friend, her name is Veronica. We talked for a while then I decided to go home and watch some tv. It's 8:00 am and I realized that my mom was at work and won't be home till 11:00 tonight. Finally Ryan comes downstairs and walks over to me and gives me a quick kiss, morning he said. Morning, I reply. What time were you up at? He asked. Around 4:00 why? I asked. Why so early? He asks. Well my shoulder was hurting so I was having a hard time sleeping so I decided to go  out for a run. I replied. Oh ok I was wondering why you weren't beside me this morning. He answers, he goes into the kitchen to have breakfast, then I went in, so I was thinking maybe we can go to the mall, I suggested. Yeah that sounds good to me, he replies. End of POV
Ryan's POV
After our talk about the comments, she hasn't mentioned them since so I'm getting worried. We went to the mall for a few hours and met up with some friends and hung out, when we got home we decided to go for a swim. After having a blast, we decided to go in and have supper since its 6:30 pm and watch movies of all kinds, I look down and Dove fell asleep on me so I brought her to her room and I decided to go home. End of POV

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now