Part 17

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The next day they said goodbye to each other and Dove was on the plane with the team.
D: Stacy I want you to promise me something.
S: ok what's that?
D: if something bad happen to me, I want you to fly me back home to get operated or recover. I want the team to continue the shows, don't even think about sending me to a hospital here no matter how bad it is.
S: alright I promise
They completed 5 shows before Ocala and still had 3 more to do. They won those 5 shows but are still working hard in training.  They had two more shows before Ocala, and today was the last day of this show and Dove was next for cross country. Dove and Dude left the starting box to begin the course and was doing great, after Dude landed a double hedge he took off and Dove fell and got dragged and he was going almost full out till Dove finally hit the ground. One of the workers ran to Dove to see if she was ok but she was unconscious, the worker called Stacy and Stacy got a ticket to go back home. After they caught Dude, the ambulance came and they got her in and was on their way to the airport. The assistant coach stayed with the team while Stacy went with Dove. The Mccartans are at Dove's because the two families are close, and they were talking and Dove came up. " I wonder how Dove's doing in the shows" mentioned her mom. " she's probably doing well" replied her dad until Dove's mom got a call from Stacy.
Cindy: hello?
S: hi Cindy it's me Stacy, um there's been an accident with your daughter and she's not in good shape at the moment.
C: where are you guys so I can go by a plane ticket
S: that won't be necessary, we flew her back and now we're on our way to the hospital.
C: alright we'll meet you there
They hang up
Cindy tells the two families what happened and they rushed to the hospital...


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