Part 13

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I'm adding two new characters named Taylor and Andrew, they are 19 same age as rove and they are dating and Taylor is a rider and are friends with rove also. Andrew is just a normal guy

On with the story
Dove's POV
Ryan's been gone a month and I miss him so much, but we talk as much as we can since he's so busy. Riding is going really well and it just so happens that I have a lesson soon
End of POV
Caitlin is riding Daisy, Taylor is riding Mabel and Dove is riding Tinker Bell.
The girls groom their horses and tack up and start their warm up and finally start their lesson. ( they're riding outside) they start cantering all together and Dove is in the middle, Tinker Bell spooked and bucked really high and took off and Dove looses her balance and falls. She ended up face planting and scratched her face with a bloody nose and mouth and a black eye. Stacy caught the horse and Dove's mom comes running over to make sure she was ok and see if she was able to get back on until she saw her face and Dove hurt her arm so they brought her to the hospital. She ended up spraining her wrist and Dove and her friends went out for ice cream.
Dove's POV
Oh my gosh that was horrifying, the last thing I want right now is for Ryan finding out worried and comes home early, I got to make sure no one mentions anything to him.
End of POV

Next one will be up soon

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now