Part 25

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Dove's POV
During the night I had a flashback of my accident and it was pretty scary, I guess I must have woken up Ryan because he's shaking me to wake up. Dove wake up, he tells me. I wake up and I'm breathing heavy and sweating as if I did a full out cross country course. What's wrong? He asks. I had a flashback of the accident and it's still going through my mind. Well it did happen not long ago so it's still going to be fresh in your mind. He answers. I was also thinking of another fall that I had before I met you. What happened that time? He asks. You know how I lost my mom at the age of 15? Yeah, he answers. Well a few years after she died, I was on a trail ride alone on Mabel and everything was fine until a brown bear appeared and it scared Mabel badly and when Mabel went to turn around and take off, I went off the back and was unconscious. The bear was close enough but since I was out for a while he left and while I was out I had a dream where I got up from my fall and a little girl was calling me to get up, I got up and I walked over to the girl and her pony Kindling and she told me to hop on the back and she was going to bring me to safety, after I told my sister about it she showed me a picture of mom and Kindling and I was so shocked but I'm glad she was looking over me. End of POV
Ryan's POV
After that last dream Dove explained to me, I'm just shocked as to what that girl went through. How come you never told me before? I ask. It never came to me until now. She replies. I look down at her and kiss her on the lips to help clear her mind, she kisses back and she has her fingers in my hair deepening the kiss. After we pull away we decided to go back to sleep since it's only 3:00 am. End of POV

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now