Part 11

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The next day they get up and have breakfast and then head home.
Ryan's POV
I get a text from my manager saying I got the role in a movie, but it's in New York. I don't know how Dove is going to handle it😰, Dove gets out of the car to get her stuff out. I guess this is the best time to tell her. End of POV
R: hey can we talk for a few minutes?
D: yeah sure what's up?
R: I got a text from my manager saying I got a role in a movie.
D: really! That's awesome 😃
R: yeah but the bad thing is that we're shooting in New York and I leave in four days😔
D: oh, so what do we do about us?
R: I really want to make this work, I love you so much
D: I love you too, but long distance isn't going to be easy. How long are you gone for?
R: 2 months
D: wow, at least it's not a full year!
R: well I g2g, I bet my family are excited to see me. Love you / he kisses her cheek and leaves
Dove's POV
I know you're all wondering if I'm pregnant or not and actually I'm not. I'm not sick and I have my period so I'm all good. I can't believe Ryan has to leave so soon, but I'm not going to hold him back from his dreams. At least riding is going to make the time go by so fast . End of POV


Next one will be up soon

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now