Chapter 19

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The next day
Ryan's POV
I wake up and have breakfast and head to the hospital to see the love of my life. End of POV
Dove's POV
I wake up to sharp pain every where from all my injuries, I'm so bored at the moment. I hope this won't affect my riding career. I wish Ry was here, as I thought that he walked into my room.
Hey how are you feeling? He asks.
Not good I reply, what hurts? He asks. My head, leg , arm and ribs, I replied. I was about to say something as the doctor came in. Hello Ms. Cameron, how are you feeling? He asks. I'm pretty sore, I answered. Well I'm going to do some X-rays to see if we missed anything, he mentions. After he does my X-rays he didn't have a good look on his face. So how bad are my injuries? I ask, well it looks like you bruised your right leg , he says finally. End of POV
Ryan's POV
After hearing about all her injuries, I feel so bad for her. She worked so hard but now it could be down the drain. No one knows what happened, but I'm not going to ask her just yet because I don't want to upset her. After the doctor left, I walk up to her and kiss her on the lips then I feel her putting her good arm around my neck pulling me closer and deepens the kiss, I pull away. It's hard to read her face at the moment because I'm not sure if she's terrified or sad. I feel so bad, what's worse is that she didn't get to go to Ocala. End of POV
Dove's POV
Hey Ry? I ask, yeah he asks. Do you know when I can go home? I ask.
The doctor said you're most likely to leave tomorrow, he answered. Yay! I say sarcastically, he chuckles knowing that it gets pretty boring. Well I got to go and let you rest, see you tomorrow. He kisses me on the cheek and forehead and he says I love you, I love you too I reply as he leaves.


Part 20 is going to be up sometime this week

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