Part 32

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Dove's POV

Ryan's coming over and I have to tell my mom I'm moving in with him. "Mom can we talk?" I ask. "Sure." She says. "Sit." I say as we sit on the couch. "You're scaring me." She says. I smile and say "It's nothing bad." "So Ryan and I have been dating for awhile now and we-" I start. "What'd you do?" She asks. "Nothing. I just wanted to know if it would be ok if we...moved in together." I say. "Oh yeah. That ok." I say. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah. I mean you weren't gonna live a home forever." She says. "Thanks mom." I say and hug her.

A week later...

Today's the day Ryan and I are moving in together. We found an apartment we like. It's a little bigger than Ryan's place. Two bedroom and a bathroom. Ryan wants to turn the other bedroom into a game room or something like that. Speaking of Ryan... I hear a knock on the door. "Hey beautiful." He says and hugs me. "Hi handsome." I say and peck his lips. He smiles and asks "Are you packed?" "Yes." I say. "Good. I guess we gotta move everything." He says. "Yep." I say. He sighs and comes in. Ryan and I move all the boxes into a little trailer moving truck he rented. When we're finally done we fall into my couch. "Are you guys ready?" My mom asks. "Yes." I say. Ryan smiles and kisses my cheek. "Alright we should get going. It's almost dark." Ryan says. I nod and hug my mom. Ryan hugs her too and we say goodbye. We get in Ryan's car and he drives about 30 minutes to an apartment we got.

When we get there we don't even bother unpacking everything. Ryan's bed is already in here. He moved it in a few days ago. We don't shower either just fall into bed. "Night babe." Ryan whispers. "Night Ry." I whisper. He kisses me then I fall asleep.

All credit to my partner, just want to let everyone know that this book will be coming to an end very soon as in chapter 40. Thank you so much on all the views, comments and votes because it means a lot to me:)

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