Part 3

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The next day
Ryan's POV
I woke up the next morning thinking about Dove. I wonder what she's up to, so I decided to text her. End of POV
Dove's POV
I wake up to my legs aching like crazy because dressage tends to hurt my legs because they do a lot of the work. I go downstairs to eat breakfast then I got a text from Ryan. Text Convo
R: hey what's up?
D: not much, I just woke up. What about you?
R: not much, actually I was wondering if you wanted to go grab froyo with me?
D: I'd love to but shouldn't you be practicing your lines?
R: actually I have a few weeks off to spend with family and friends, so what do you say?
D: I'd love to, I can meet you at the store
R: no, I'll pick you up around 1:00?
D: alright sounds good see you then , bye
R: bye
End of convo
Dove's POV
OMG! I'm so excited to go out with Ryan this afternoon 😍. I look over at the time and it said 11:30 am then I finished my breakfast then took a shower, once I got out I had a hard time picking out an outfit. Then I made up my mind, I decided to wear jean shorts with a dark pink tank top, high pony tail, light makeup and flip flops. Now all I have to do is wait for Ryan. End of POV
Ryan's POV
I arrived at the address that Dove gave me, I walked up to the front door and knocked then Dove came out. Hey! She said, hey shall we go? Yeah let's go, I grabbed her hand and led her to my car and helped her in, then we went to go get froyo.
End of POV

Part 4 will be up soon, thanks for reading and sorry if this part was boring. Btw all the horse stuff is true, please comment and tell me what you think!

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now