Part 27

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The next day
Dove's POV
I wake up and check my phone to see what time it was and it said 5:00 am, I roll over and I see Ryan out of it so I got out of his grip and went downstairs. I made myself a bowl of cereal and my phone went off and it was a notification from this site that lets me know when a horse show is, I guess I forgot to take it off. I saw something on the page and I saw comments asking about me as in why am I not competing anymore? Or I was huge disappointment to the team and I didn't deserve to go. Seeing all these comments people made is heartbreaking because I guess I was a role model for people and I let them down. More and more comments came in and they keep getting worse and now I start crying because it hurts so much knowing people hate me now. It's 6:30 am and Ryan finally woke up and I decided not to tell him about the comments because I know he'll get protective and I don't want him to worry. Morning he says. Morning I reply. How long have you been up? He asked. At least an hour, I answer. Why so early? Our flight isn't until 2:00 pm. I know but I couldn't sleep so I got up and had breakfast, I reply. As I finished my sentence my phone goes off again and I have more notifications about the site and saw more comments and my smile fades away after I kept reading. I guess Ryan noticed, hey what's wrong ?he asks. I look up, oh nothing I replied, I put my phone down and I decided to go upstairs to pack. End of POV
Ryan's POV
Somethings not right, when Dove's smile faded I know somethings wrong and when I asked her, she said it was nothing and went to pack but left her phone here. I continue to eat then her phone goes off and I look around to make sure she's not around, then I took her phone and looked through the messages/ comments. I can't believe all these comments I'm seeing, I don't know why she didn't tell me about this... End of POV

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