Part 24

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Ryan's POV

Valentine's Day is in two days and I'm going to take Dove on a little trip. The problem is she's still sad about riding and hasn't wanted to do anything. It breaks my heart seeing her like this, but I have to get her out of the house. I'm going to get her to pack and take her to a resort in Florida. I don't want her memories of Florida to be all bad plus maybe we could go to the beach. I'm on my way over to her house. I knock on the door and she comes to the door. "Yes?" She asks. "Valentine's Day is in two days and I'm taking you on vacation." I say. She sighs. "Come on, it'll be fun." I say. "I don't feel like it." She says crossing her arms. "Come here." I say and pull her into my arms. She hugs me back and I asks "Where are we going?" "It's a surprise, but we have to get on an airplane." I say. "Fine." She says pulling away. I can tell she's trying not to smile. "How many days will we be there?" She asks. "Four days." I say. She nods and goes into her room to pack. I follow and help her. "Ready." She says. "Ok. Our flight is in three hours." I say. She nods and I put her suitcase in the car. We leave her house after she tells her mom bye and drive to the airport. It's a long plane ride, so about halfway there Dove falls asleep with her head on my chest. I smile and kiss her forehead. When we land she wakes up. "Welcome to Florida!" The pilot says. Dove looks up at me and asks "Why here?" "Because Florida is beautiful and we can go to the beach." I say. "But it's February." She says. "So. We don't have to swim." I say. She sighs and we drive to the hotel. "Wow, Ry you really outdid yourself." She says as she walks in. I got us one of those honeymoon suits where they have a hot tub and couch in our room. "I'm tired." Dove says falling onto the bed. "You might want to shower first." I say. She nods and showers. When she's done then I shower. "It's already 3am?" She asks. "Well Florida time is 3 hours later so that's why." I say. She nods and lays down on the bed. I lay next to her and we cover up with the blankets. "This is nice." She says looking at me. "Yeah." I say and push her hair back behind her ear. She blushes and we kiss. I take off my shirt and Dove pulls away. "I'm too tired tonight, let's do it later." She says. I chuckle and say "Ok." She puts her head on my chest and cuddles against me. Then we both fall asleep.


You guys know who my partner is on this book, big thanks and make sure to follow her and if who ever wants to do a book with me, let me know through private message and we'll work something out:)

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