Part 33

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Ryan and Dove have been together for 5 years and have been living in their new house for 2 years, Dove is now 24 and Ryan is now 26.
Ryan's POV
Dove and I have been together for a long time so I have a special question that I'm going to ask tonight. I get home, and I see Dove sitting on the couch watching TV. Hey babe guess what! I say excitedly. What? She asks. You know how I was doing that movie while you were riding? I ask. Yeah, she says. Well I got my paycheck and I managed to get $80,000! I say excitedly. Oh my gosh that's great! She runs and jumps into my arms and kisses me all over my face, she really knows how to make me weak in the knees, I love her too much to let her go. Hey do you have any plans tonight? I ask. Nope, why? She asks. Well I was thinking maybe we can go out tonight. I say. Yeah sure that sounds great. She says excitedly. We hang out for a while then we got ready, and then went to the movies and once it ended we decided to go to the park and look at the stars. When we arrived at the park, there was a blanket and some little lights around to make it romantic. She gasped, oh my gosh this is amazing, it's so beautiful. She exclaims. Not as beautiful as you, I say and kiss her on the cheek and she blushes. While she was looking up, I took a deep breath. Dove... I began. She looked over at first kinda confused until she saw me on one knee, she has her hands over her mouth so suprised. Dove Olivia Cameron, since day one I've always had a thing for you, even though over the years we've had a few problems but I still loved you through all of it. After all those years I keep falling for you harder and harder and I didn't think it was possible. I'm still crazy for you, will you marry me? I ask. She didn't say anything except nod her head with tears coming down her cheek. I put the ring on her finger and I get up and she jumps into my arms and we share a nice long passionate kiss. End of POV

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now