Part 10

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Warning there is a mature part, if you don't like mature then skip the last part.

It's the last day of the trip. I wake up at about 9 and Ryan is still asleep. Pretty soon he wakes up and we eat breakfast. "Hey. I'm going to take you somewhere special get ready." Ryan says. Ryan walks out of the tent and I change and get ready then he does. Ryan takes my hand and we walk past the river we swam in yesterday and up a hill. We hike around for awhile. "I'm hungry." I say after about an hour or two of walking around and talking. "I was hoping you would say that." Ryan says and we walk up a hill. There's a picnic blanket and basket set up and it's beautiful. "When did you do this?" I ask as I sit down. "A great boyfriend never reveals his secrets." Ryan says sitting beside me. I smile and roll my eyes. We eat sandwiches and then hike down. "What do you say? One last swim?" He asks as we get back to our campsite. "Sure." I say and we put on our bathing suits. "Cannon ball!" Ryan screams and jumps in. I jump in too and we swim around for awhile. We eat dinner and then go outside to watch the sunset. "This trip was fun." Ryan says sitting down next to me. "It was. I loved it." I say. Ryan smiles and says "Me too." He looks at me a little bit weird and awkward. "Um...Dove...Since we're alone...There's one thing I still want to do." He says quietly. I think I know what it is. He motions towards the tent and I slowly nod. We walk into the tent and lay down. We look at each other for awhile and then Ryan kisses me. I kiss back and find myself pulling off his shirt as he does to me. He slides off his jeans and boxers and then pulls off my jeans and underwear. The next thing I know Ryan rolls on top of me. He's super sweet and gentle, but it still hurt. "Do you want me to stop?" He asks. I shake my head and we keep going. After awhile Ryan rolls off me and we stare at the roof of the tent shocked at what we just did. Ryan looks at me then smiles and kisses my cheek. "Goodnight Dovey." He says and covers us up with a blanket. I cuddle against Ryan and I feel him kiss my forehead. Then I fall fast asleep.


This is miamathe's part, so make sure to follow her! Thanks for all the views and it's going to get intense soon:)

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