Part 16

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Dove's POV

I don't know what to do. I really want to go, but at the same time I don't. I have two more days to think about it and Ryan is coming over. "Hey." He says hugging me and I let him in. "Hi." I smile. "Can we talk?" He asks closing the door. "Yes." I say and we sit on the couch. "So...You have to decide to stay or go." He says. I sigh and say "Ryan I'll stay for you." "No Dove you need to go. You love riding. I'm not going to get in the way of your dreams." He says. I smile. "Thanks for being so sweet about this." I say. "Yeah. Yeah, but I'm going to miss you so much." He says taking my hand. "I'm going to miss you too." I say and hug him. I lay my head on his shoulder. "We'll call, text and FaceTime everything will work out." He says and we pull away. I nod. "I better call Stacy." I say leaving the room. After our conversation I go back out to Ryan and sit beside him. "She's coming over to talk to me." I say. He nods and puts his arm around me. We watch TV and Stacy comes over. "Hi." She says and hugs me. "Hi." I say. I let her in and we talk in the kitchen. I hear Ryan pause the TV. "I'm happy you said yes. I think it's a great opportunity." Stacy says. I nod. "I have to let you know about the dangers of cross country though. It could be life threatening." She says. I nod and then look at Ryan. He's looking at us. "What? Life threatening?" He asks standing up. "Yes, but Dove is very good and I think she'll be able to handle it." Stacy says. Ryan looks down at me. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." I say taking his hand. "Fine, but if you get hurt. You have to let me know." He says pointing at me. I smile and nod. Stacy leaves and Ryan and I sit back on the couch and finish the show. I stand up and go into my room. Ryan follows. "Can I stay the night?" He asks. "Sure." I say. He smiles and says "I'm going to miss you." He kisses me and I kiss back. He pulls us down onto the bed and we kiss a little longer. When we pull away I put my head on his chest. "Please be careful in Florida." He whispers. "I will, I promise." I say and feel him kiss the top of my head. I blush. "Alright." He says reaching over and turning off the lamp. "Goodnight Dove. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I say and with that I fall asleep.


Thanks miamathe! Make sure to follow her:)

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now