Part 20

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Dove's POV

I finally get to go home. It seems like I've been here forever plus I don't think I can take anymore hospital food. Ew. "Alright Ms. Cameron. You do have a concussion so no TV for over 30 minutes and be extra careful with your head. Your cast will be off in two months and be easy on your ribs. The concussion and the broken arm will also keep you from riding for awhile. Other than that you're free to go." The nurse says. I nod. "How long without riding?" My mom asks. "At least four or five months." The nurse says. "What? Four months?" I ask. "I'm sorry that's the absolute earliest you're supposed to wait six." She says. I sigh. My mom helps me up. I'm still really sore. I call Ryan that I'm coming home and he wants to meet at the hospital to help me. Pretty soon he gets here. "Hi sweetheart." He whispers hugging me gently. "Hi Ryan." I whisper back hugging. Ryan puts his arm around my waist and I limb back to the car. "Come on." He says motioning me to get on his back. I shrug and he gives me a piggy back ride to his car. When we get home I sit on the couch. I have so many memories from my fall. I look at my arm.

Dude starts out good and then takes off. I fell and got dragged. The hard ground against my head and then my side. Then I fall. I land on my arm. I hear everyone say oooh and then I black out. "Dove! Hey. Dove." I hear and I snap out of my thoughts. Tears are running down my cheek and Ryan is sitting beside me. "Are you ok?" Ryan asks. I shake my head and hug him. "It's ok. You'll be ok." He whispers pulling me into his lap. "What were you thinking about?" He asks. "My fall." I say. It's silent for a minute. "Will you tell me what happened?" He asks. I hesitate, but tell him the story. After I'm done talking we just sit there. Ryan's staring at his lap and then looks back up at me. He wipes away a tear running down my cheek and whispers "I'm so sorry." "I shouldn't have gone." I say and hug him. "No. You did so good with your other shows." He says. "Yeah, but now look at me." I say holding up my arm. "I know, but Valentine's Day is coming up and I have something special planned and that'll make you feel better." He says. "Really?" I ask. He nods and kisses me. I wrap my good arm around his neck and deepen the kiss. We finally pull away and Ryan leaves pretty soon. I take a shower and then go to bed.


Thanks miamathe, make sure to follow her

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now