Part 15

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Dove's POV
I wake up the next morning in Ryan's arms. I don't have a lesson today so we can just hang out. All of a sudden my phone goes off and it's Stacy calling me so I pick up.
D: hello?
S: hey Dove what's up?
D: not much, just relaxing with my boyfriend.
S: I have a question for you.
D: ok what's up?
S: I was wondering if you would like to join the group at a big horse show up in Florida.
D: I don't know, Ocala seems far enough.
S: I think you can handle it, you're in level 2 and you've faced many changes over the years. Besides you have amazing times in cross country and you and Daisy handle the height and distances fine.
D: can I think about it?
S: you have three days to come up with an answer, I really think you can do it.
D: how long would we be gone?
S: 4 months because there's other shows around that area also. You can't bring family or friends with you, I know you and not wanting them to see you fall if it did happen.
D: alright I'll let you know, bye
She hangs up
Ryan's POV
I wake up to Dove talking to someone on the phone but I'm not sure who.
End of POV
Dove's POV
I look over and I see Ryan finally awake. Morning, I kiss him on the cheek, morning he replied. Who were you talking to before? He asked.
Stacy, she asked me if I wanted to do horse shows up in Florida and I told her I'd think about it, I responded. How long would you be gone for? He asks. I'm pretty sure four months because our main show is Ocala but apparently there's other shows before and after Ocala, and I have to let her know with in 3 days, I replied. 4 months?! That's crazy, I had a hard time being away from you for two months and now 4!? He shouted. I know it was hard but we'll still communicate and maybe I can come home every so often, don't worry we'll make it work. Besides I haven't given her an answer just yet. I said calmly. I love you so much Dove, I love you too Ry.

End of POV


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