Part 14

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Ryan's POV

I'm finally coming home today. It was so hard being away for two months. Dove and I talked some, but we were both really busy. I'm on my way to her house. I'm so nervous. I pull in and go up to the door. I hesitate, but knock. She opens the door and we both smile. She has a faint scar on her face. Weird. She jumps into my arms and I spin her around. "I missed you." She says clinging onto my shirt. "I missed you too." I say and hug her tighter. I put her down and start leaning in. I kiss her and we kiss for awhile. When we pull away we sit on her couch and talk a little bit. "I was thinking we could hang out with Taylor and Andrew today." I say. They are our good friends and I haven't seen them in awhile. "Sure. I'll invite them over." Dove says. I smile and she texts them. "They can come." She says. "Great." I say. Dove and I joke around and make lunch. Pretty soon Taylor and Andrew are here. "Hey guys." They say and hug us. "Are you feeling better Dove?" Taylor asks. "Yes." Dove says. I wonder what happened. "Wanna watch the game?" I ask and we sit on the couch and watch football. During half time we all talk. Andrew and I on the couch and the girls are in the kitchen. "You got a tough girlfriend." Andrew says. "What do you mean?" I ask. I look at Dove. She turns away. "You didn't know what happened?" He asks. "No what happened?" I ask starting to get worried. I look back at Dove who looks worried. "She fell off her horse." Andrew says. "What?!" I ask standing up. "What'd she do?" I ask. "She like sprained her wrist, cut up her face, and got a black eye." He says. "What?!" I say again. I turn to Dove. "You didn't tell me?" I ask walking over. She steps back. "We'll give you two some space." Taylor says and her and Andrew step outside. "Why didn't you tell me?!" I ask her. "I didn't want you to worry." She says softly. "I wanted to know. I could've come back early!" I say slightly raising my voice on accident. "No! It was ok." She says. "Is that what that's from?" I ask and point to her cheek. She nods. "You need to tell me!" I say firmly. She looks down. I guess I raised my voice. I kinda forgot what she's been through. I sigh. "Baby?" I whisper and she looks up at me. "I'm sorry." She whispers. I can see the guilt in her eyes. I pull her against me and hug her tight. "I'm sorry. I just get worried about you." I say and she hugs back. "Let's always be honest with each other." I say. "Ok." She says. I smile and kiss her quickly. Taylor and Andrew come back in and we finish the game. They leave so it's just Dove and I. "When is your mom coming home?" I ask. "Later." She whispers. "Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. She nods. I lay down her her couch and she lays half on me half beside me. I start getting tired. I'm jet lagged. I put my arm around Dove and fall asleep.


Thanks again miamathe. Make sure to follow her!

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