Part 6

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Dove's POV

When I wake up I'm in my bed. I smile and check my phone. 'If your up can you come over?' He asks.

'Yes' I type. 'Yay come over whenever' he says. 'Ok' I say and get dressed. I go out to the kitchen and my mom is making breakfast. "I'm going over to Ryan's soon." I say. "You always go over there." She says. "I know he's my...we are dating." I say. I don't know. Is he my boyfriend. I mean I think so, but we've never said it. I drive to his house after a small breakfast and doing my hair. I knock on the door and Ryan opens it. "Hi." He says looking up at me through his hair. "Hi." I smile and giggle. His hair is all crazy and sticking up. "Like my hair?" He jokes running his fingers through it trying to fix it. I smile and shake my head. He lets me and and asks "Can I take you to Disneyland?" "Yes." I say. Ryan smiles and says "I'll go get ready. Oh and I got you something." He says. What? He hands me a bracelet. It says Ryan on it. "I got myself one and it says Dove." I say. I smile. "Do you like it?" He asks. "I love it." I say and put it on my wrist. Ryan smiles and goes into his bedroom. Should I ask him if we are official yet? We get in the car and drive to Disney. When we get there we go straight to the rollercoasters. At lunch I decide to ask Ryan "Are we know..." I start "boyfriend and girlfriend...yes." He says. I smile. "I was thinking about that too." He says and smiles. We eat, walk around, see a show and then ride some more rollercoasters. After our long day we go back to Ryan's house to watch a movie and eat take out. We joke around and throw french fries into each others mouths. During the movie my head falls to Ryan's chest. I close my eyes and feel Ryan kiss my forehead.

Ryan's POV

After the movie I look down at Dove who is sound asleep. So cute. I think I love her. I do love her. I'm not going to leave her on the couch it's not that comfortable. I pick her up and lay her down on my bed. I lay beside her and whisper "I love you." She's asleep so I know she didn't hear it, but I like saying it. I fall asleep too.


Thanks again to miamathe

Make sure to follow her and I want 10 comments for an update

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