Part 22

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Dove's POV

I can't believe this. The doctor said they missed a shoulder injury too. Now I have to wait longer to ride. "Ugh!" I say and fall onto my bed. The worst part is Ryan won't be home for awhile and I don't have anything to do.

2 weeks later...

Ryan's POV

I just got off my plane and am heading to Dove's house. I can't believe it's been 3 months. I knock on her door and Dove answers it. We smile at each other and then I pick her up and spin her around. She giggles and hugs me back. "I missed you." I say into her hair. "I missed you too." She says as I put her down. I lean down and kiss her. She sighs and kisses back. After a little while we pull away for air. I hug her again. "Ow Ryan." She says pulling away. "I'm sorry. Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah it's just my shoulder." She says sitting on the couch. I follow her and ask "Your shoulder? At the hospital they didn't say anything about your shoulder?"

"I know. They missed it. I guess I hurt my shoulder too so it's like another month of no riding." She says. "It's ok. You don't want to ride if you're hurt." I say and put my arm around her. "Yeah and at least you're back." She says. I chuckle. "I love you." I whisper and kiss her forehead. "I love you too." She says playing with my fingers. Dove puts her head on my chests and asks "Wanna watch a movie?" "Sure." I say and turn on the TV. About half way through the movie Dove falls asleep. She's so cute. I kiss her forehead and rest my head against hers and fall asleep too.


Thanks thecreatorkids/miamathe. Whoever wants to do a collab with me private message me and we'll work something out

Rove/ I fell in love with a riderWhere stories live. Discover now