Chapter 1 - Nathan Gardner, History Teacher

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Nathan Gardner, former principal of Western Summit High School, sat behind the desk in his study. He took a deep breath as he watched the clock change from eleven fifty-nine P.M. to twelve o'clock A.M.; an old week rolled over to a new one. Normally such a change in time didn't matter, but this was a special night. This was a rebirth of sorts. Right now, he was making a promise to himself and to his daughter, Susan, that things would change for the better and remain that way. He had made this promise before, but knew there was no going back to habits of the past. Through a series of events at Western Summit, Nathan was to regain his position as a history teacher only weeks after he was fired over a student "riot."

Changes in the staff at the high school were nothing unusual; with the sort of student body that roamed the halls, keeping one's sanity proved a challenge to most. Though Nathan may have "failed" as their principal, he never felt that way as their teacher. Luckily for him, Kenneth Shumaker did. Mister Shumaker didn't even give notice before the weekend. Instead, he walked into Joe Hawkins', Nathan's replacement, office and threw his room keys onto the principal's desk. It was rumored that he fled to his sister's place in Oregon. Regardless of where he wound up, he left a vacancy in the history department, thus granting Nathan a second chance at the position he truly desired.

Joe called Nathan that very afternoon, explaining the situation. If all went well for the remainder of the school year, his position would be permanent. Nathan thanked his old friend and began to get his life back into order. He forced himself to go back for help with his drinking problem and properly disposed of his firearm, as well as all of his boating memorabilia. He even showed good faith by inviting his daughter's boyfriend, the infamous Charlie Bartlett, and his mother to spend a few evenings with them. Yes, things in the Gardner house were changing for the better.

Nathan rubbed at his temples. "No going back now," he said to himself. He took a deep breath and looked out of the window behind him. Susan was at a party and would not be back until one – her grades won her a few extra hours. He watched a soft rain fall for a few minutes before turning off the light and making his way to his bedroom. "Strength," he whispered.

That Monday, the history teacher was back on campus. Nathan pulled into the school parking lot and stared at the brick building. He shook his head. "Not one of them is going to take me seriously." He was, of course, referring to his soon to be students. True, they didn't care for him as principal at all, but Joe Hawkins inherited that disdain. When Nathan was a teacher, he had respect and was even well liked. In fact, a lot of his students turned on him simply from feeling abandoned. He took a deep breath, opened his car door, and stepped out into the chilled morning air. He was no more than three steps from his car when he heard the unmistakable sound of wheels on concrete before he felt someone push roughly into him, causing his bag to fall from his shoulder.

"Seriously?" he barked, only seeing the back of the student's head as he zipped down the sidewalk. "I haven't even made it inside yet."

"Fantastic." A woman's voice came from behind him.

Nathan turned to see a brunette woman with panic in her eyes and freshly spilled coffee dripping down her coat, the skateboarder got her as well. "Are you alright?"

"I'm good," she said quickly. "Late though, I think, and now sort of stained. Sorry again, really!" She jogged ahead of him a little, watching out for other fast moving students.

Nathan looked at his travel mug, coffee still contained inside. "Well, that could have been worse for me, I guess." He continued on his way inside the building.

Once inside, Nathan was met with some questioning glances from the student body, but nothing too unwelcoming overall. It had been a couple of weeks since everything occurred and Joe Hawkins proved to be a less lenient principal. Nathan signed in at the office, received a few pleasantries from the staff, then made his way to his classroom. When he opened the door he immediately saw a box on his desk, a bright yellow ribbon wrapped around it. There was also a small envelope, which he opened right away. He smiled a little as he read the words, "Welcome back, Mr. Gardner. Sincerely, Charlie." He opened the box to find a new nameplate that read: "Mr. Gardner - History" in bold block lettering.

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