Chapter 46 - First a dark corner, then the bedroom...

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Nathan was so happy to have another weight lifted from his relationship. Sneaking around had its perks, but knowing that he and Sydney could now come and go from either of their homes had a certain appeal to it. He was watching her now, dancing with her best friend in all the world. He envied what they had. Aside from Burt, the only friends he had were from work, there was nobody from his high school days, let alone the ones where he toddled. He watched her laugh and smile, her eyes so alive...and the envy faded as quickly as it appeared. She was his, he was hers, and he still couldn't figure out the math. Nathan was still lost in his thoughts when she approached him, giggling, and took a seat on his lap.

"You okay?" she asked sweetly.

"I'm perfect," he answered, caressing her face. "Tonight is wonderful." He kissed her, thrilled to do so openly and in front of her friends. "Sydney, I love you."

"I love you too," she said, slightly concerned.

He pulled her closer, the two of them reclining deeper into the plush sofa in the sectioned off portion of the club. "I can't wait until this school year's over." He nuzzled her neck with his nose.

"Me either." She ran her fingers through his hair, tousling it more. "I am so lucky," she whispered in his ear. "Sometimes I have no idea why you're with me."

Nathan shook his head and smiled. "Baby, I was just thinking the same thing." He kissed her again, deep and heated. His hands roamed her back and she moaned into his mouth. He could feel her skin growing warmer and wanted to find a corner somewhere where they could...

"I am never going to get tired of seeing this." Arlen plopped down on the other end of the sofa, a bottle of water in his hands. Sydney looked over at him and blushed. "Oh, don't stop because of me, honey, I'm just hydrating a bit."

"Having a good time, Arlen?" Nathan asked, Sydney sliding off his lap to sit beside him.

"Best birthday I can remember," he said, his voice thoughtful, "and not just because of you two, although...oh, it's just so precious and naughty at the same time..."

"Also stunning to watch." David walked over to join the conversation, two drinks in his hand. He handed one of the glasses to Sydney and she politely placed it on the table in front of her, thanking him. "And you're not going to drink it because?"

"Uh, not exactly in the mood, that's all." She shot him a look that told him to drop the subject, but he either missed it or ignored it.

"It's your favorite. Always has been. You hardly change things up when we come here because you say their sazeracs are the best in the city and...come to think of it, I haven't seen you drink in months."

"I didn't realize that was a crime." Sydney began to lose her patience.

"Syd..." Nathan understood what was happening.

"Not a crime, but certainly less fun. You're brilliant when you've had a few..."

"I'm an alcoholic," Nathan said bluntly. "She's trying to be polite and not bring it up, but it's not a secret." He looked at her and smiled. "I'm not ashamed. She's very supportive," he turned to her, "but honey, you don't have to not enjoy yourself because of me."

"I really hope you're kidding, Nathan, that would just be..." She shook her head. "Absolutely not."

His smile widened with relief. He didn't want her to feel she was giving anything up for him and she obviously didn't. "I want to dance with you again." He stood and extended his hand. She took it and they returned to the dance floor...and the chatter began.

"An alcoholic?" David asked. "Is she insane? She knows better than to..."

"David, what the fuck?" Arlen asked, his usual kind demeanor gone. "Can't you see how happy she is? How happy they are? You don't even know when the man took his last drink."

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