Chapter 9 - Christmas Eve

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The next couple of days were difficult for Sydney. She had to explain to Arlen why she came home without her car, as well as who had gotten here there. When she mentioned Nathan's name, her best friend grinned ear to her and tried, unsuccessfully, to convince her that Nathan was very much "White Knight" material. Sydney laughed it off, letting him know that she and Nathan were simply friends who were looking out for one another. Arlen accepted her words and eventually dropped the subject.

Sydney didn't have to answer any more questions about Nathan because Arlen – and everyone else she was close to – was too busy preparing for Christmas Eve. He decided against throwing his annual Christmas Eve party at home; instead he had the brilliant idea to make Christmas Eve a special night at "Just Be" for those who didn't have anywhere else to go or any family to be with. A gourmet buffet was prepared and a band was booked, but anyone who wanted to was more than welcome to perform as well – as long as their act was Christmas themed. The wait staff was not required to work, but many volunteered for the cause.

When the evening arrived, the line outside nearly wrapped around the building. "Arlen, you should be so proud," Sydney said sweetly. "You've given them all a proper holiday."

The line was comprised of the mixture that always went through the gracious doors of "Just Be." Young and old, all races, and tonight, all without a place where they felt they belonged.  Tears fell from Arlen's eyes as he realized that he had accomplished something good and selfless this Christmas Eve. Sydney hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. She whispered a soft "Merry Christmas" into his ear and they went inside, opening the venue for all those who were waiting in the cold. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, the food delicious, the eggnog creamy, and the band, as well as those who got onstage, were received with the utmost enthusiasm.

Jess and his girlfriend, Brynn, kicked off the performances with a cute, albeit slightly off-key,  version of "Baby It's Cold Outside."  After a set from the band, a little boy and his mother, whose husband was overseas, took the stage. She played piano and he did his very best on his trumpet. Their rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" was far from perfect, but received almost thunderous applause. There were many performers like just like them, happy to share what they could with others in their situation.

A half an hour later, Sydney and a few of the wait staff got onstage; Sydney feeling rather ridiculous that she let Arlen talk her into wearing a rather skimpy, very cliché Mrs. Claus getup. However, after she finished up "Santa Baby" in her best Betty Boop-ish voice, the laughter around her forced her to cast away her embarrassment and simply bask in all that Arlen had done that night.

While stepping off the stage, she saw David and Arlen, their fingers entwined down at their sides. She watched them for a moment, her heart only full of warmth. It had taken her a while to fully understand her former fiancé's choice in life, but seeing how happy they were together made her forget almost all of her past pain. It took a moment before Sydney realized they were under a sprig of mistletoe – the blasted plant that caused her embarrassment a few short days ago. She watched as Arlen smiled at David, then blushed as she realized what was coming. As their faces drew closer for a chaste kiss, Sydney heard the soft, measured notes of the piano filling the room again. She didn't think much of it at first, other than it being a beautiful, almost sad sound. Then a voice filled the room.

"It's coming on Christmas, they're cutting down trees...They're putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace...Oh, I wish I had a river I could skate away on..."

Forcing her eyes from the most innocent kiss she'd ever seen David give, she turned around, curious to see just whose voice filled the near silent room. Her eyes widened when she saw Nathan alone at the piano. She wasn't sure what confused her more: why Nathan was there or how he got on stage unnoticed. His voice was heartbreaking and she found herself unable to move as she listened to his words.

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