Chapter 60 - Maureen and Henry

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Two days later, Nathan found himself driving Sydney, Susan, and Charlie to a rather interesting Japanese restaurant - a favorite of his mother's. It was a forty-five minute drive, but a pleasant one. Charlie already met Nathan's parents just after Christmas and had seen them a few times since; they loved him, Nathan's father especially. Charlie certainly did have a way about him.

Once they reached the restaurant, nerves began to set in. As he opened the door for her, Nathan held Sydney's hand and gave her a look that was both loving and apologetic. This wasn't exactly how or where he wanted introductions to be made, but his mother loved this place, as did Susan, and he figured it could possibly wind up being a little less awkward than a stuffy restaurant somewhere else. Susan and Charlie went in ahead of them and her grandfather was now all but swinging her around in his arms.

"You'll be fine, Syd," Nathan whispered, squeezing her hand. It was clear that he was just as nervous as she, if not more.

"Oh, honey, look at the way he's holding her hand," Maureen said, tapping her husband's arm. Nathan forced a smile, knowing what his mother was looking at. Once within reach she went to Nathan, her arms outstretched. Sydney felt him reluctantly let go of her. "Nathan," she said sweetly, the way that mothers tend to do. She kissed his cheek and released him. She took a step back and her eyes studied him. "Look at you, sweetheart," she said, slight awe in her voice. "You're so..."

Nathan rolled his eyes. "Put together?"

She smiled. "I was going to say tan, but that works as well. Your coloring hasn't been this healthy in years."

"Well, you know...beach and all." While he played it off, Nathan had, indeed, taken extra care in getting ready tonight. He didn't wear a suit, this was more of a casual place, but he was wearing a sports jacket with dark jeans and light blue shirt. He was clean-shaven and let the tips of his hair curl as they wished.

"You look well, Son," his father added, sounding pleased. He reached out his hand and Nathan took it - he was then immediately pulled into a bear hug. "That's plenty about you for now," he said, letting go of him. "I'm far more interested in this young lady." His eyes went to Sydney.

Nathan tried, and failed, holding back a smile as his eyes lit up. "Uh, Mom, Dad...this is Sydney Turner." He paused for a moment. "My, um..."

"Girlfriend, Dad, geez," Susan said, laughing. "Stop being weird."

"Thanks, honey," Nathan responded flatly. "Sydney, this is my mom, Maureen, and my dad, Henry."

Sydney smiled at the couple. "It's lovely to meet both of you." She extended her hand, but Maureen gently pulled her into a hug.

"So nice to meet you too, sweetheart," Maureen cooed, letting go of Sydney. She was blushing, a little embarrassed that she had grabbed the younger woman. "We're huggers."

Trying to break all the ice at once, Sydney looked at Nathan's father and opened her arms. "She said 'we're.'"

"That she did," he replied, hugging her as well. He released her and looked at Nathan, then back to her, then back to his son. He smiled and put his hand on her shoulder. "Nope, too good for him," he joked.

Knowing how nervous Nathan was about everything, she made her way back to him and demurely linked her arm with his, kissing his cheek. "Never," she countered with a wink.

Henry smiled wider than Nathan could remember. "Let's eat then, hm?" He turned his attentions to Charlie as they were shown to their table. "You trying any new business ventures since the last time I saw you, kiddo?"

"Not at the moment," Charlie laughed. "The summer though, that's another story..."

"I love you," Nathan whispered in Sydney's ear as they trailed behind.

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