Chapter 28 - Save Me From Myself

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"Okay, bring up the second spot and...perfect!" Arlen was directing the new tech crew for his fundraiser and they were catching on much quicker than he anticipated. In order to be able to give as much profit as possible to charity, Sydney made arrangements with the sponsor of the AV club to get those students to run the lights and sound for Arlen's biggest venture yet. The students were thrilled to get real life experience as well as the extra credit.

Arlen was going through a tech rehearsal to work out run time, lighting, and the like. If someone wasn't there to do their number (as there were a lot of acts from around the city), they just ran audio of the performance and guessed as best they could.

"David, honey, could you go find Syd? I want to run hers next – oh, and can you fill in on guitar?"

David smiled, so very proud of his partner. He felt a little ashamed that he originally thought Arlen incapable of running an establishment like this one...if he could, he'd go back in time and take it all back. Arlen was proving himself not only a genuine, caring person, but quite the philanthropist. "Of course, baby," he answered sweetly. He kissed Arlen on the cheek and headed into the back.

Smiling, Arlen looked down at a chart in front of him. He had a few last minute decisions to make about the food that would be served, but footsteps behind him caused him to turn. His smile widened. "Nathan Gardner, what a lovely surprise!"

"Hi, Arlen," Nathan said, his eyes seeming tired.

" with the coat for a sec, hm?"


"The glasses are improved, the shoes are good, and the coat is delectable, but I want to see if you changed anything else." Understanding, Nathan removed his coat. "Well, look at that! Someone let himself be made over." He thought for a moment before asking, "Anyone special help you? Not that I'm saying you couldn't have done it on your own but..."

Nathan chuckled. "My daughter, Susan. She was after me for a while to change things up."

"Oh, I need to meet her, Nathan, she has superb taste!"

"Thanks." Nathan found himself blushing.

"Hey, you wanna pop up and do a number? I could use as much talent as possible for this and I remember you having quite a bit of your own at Christmastime."

Nathan looked thoughtful. "I appreciate the compliment, but I already have plans that night."

"Valentine's Day? A date?" Arlen's heart grew heavy.

"No, not really. Favor for a friend." He cleared his throat. "Is Syd here?"

Arlen liked the way he said her name and hoped that there was still a chance for something to happen between them. "She's getting ready to...ah, there she is." Sydney appeared on stage with David. "Gonna run her number. Everything okay? She didn't forget her phone again, did she?"

"No, nothing like that."

"You all right? The clothes are fabulous, but you look exhausted."

Nathan sighed and couldn't stop the words from coming, he figured Sydney would tell her best friend all about it anyway. "My ex showed up at school today and gave Sydney a bit of a rough time...then ate up the last few hours of my day. I just need to..." The front house lights dimmed and Sydney was doused in a pink spotlight.

"Bit too bright, guys," she laughed, unaware of Nathan's presence. The spot dimmed and she nodded at David.

"...apologize," Nathan finished. "It can wait a minute or two though."

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