Chapter 16 - Slower This Time

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Sydney sighed as Nathan's lips tickled her neck. They had been on the couch for the last hour or so, making out like teenagers. Both found it rather invigorating. "Nathan?"

"Hm?" He loved hearing her say his name. It wasn't "Nate" like the guys around town called him, or "Nathan" in the condescending tone his ex-wife used. It was, well, at the moment, it was breathy and that was quite enough.

"It's not that I'm not enjoying myself immensely, but the rumbling noises from our stomachs is getting a wee bit distracting."

Nathan laughed, then looked over at the clock on the end table. "We've been occupied for a while. Do you wanna go out and grab something? Or we could..." He cocked his head as he watched Sydney get up from the couch and leave the room. "...order in?"

"Do you keep anything in this fridge?" Sydney asked, now in the kitchen.

"I have a fine selection of leftover takeout." Nathan joined her in front of the harsh refrigerator lighting.

Sydney rifled through the few items that were there, then through the freezer before moving on to the cabinets. "So, here's a fun fact about Sydney for your handy dandy notebook. I like to cook. I'm not 'Master Chef' amazing at it, but I get by pretty well." She turned to Nathan. "You, on the other hand - how do you raise a daughter on this?" She laughed, hoping she didn't offend him.

Nathan blushed. "Susan's always home later in the evening. Between Charlie and drama club..." Sydney raised an eyebrow. "Never said I was perfect."

Sydney kissed him. "What fun is perfection anyway, huh? An under stocked kitchen doesn't mean anything." She kissed him again, this time letting her tongue slide along his. "A little milk and I could whip up something better than three day old...what is that in there anyway?"

"Good question," he laughed. "Mini mart down the street."

"Why don't you run down there and I'll start here, hm?"

His ridiculously charming smile weakening Sydney's knees again, he asked, "Cooking for me already?"

Sydney swallowed, naughty thoughts running wild through her brain. "Well, you know, necessity and all."

"Uh huh." He got his car keys from their place on the wall. "Be right back." He kissed her on the cheek and, for a moment, Sydney's mind drifted into the place she was trying to keep it from most. A kiss goodbye from a loving husband - off to run an errand for her as she cooks their dinner. Not that that was her exact fantasy or that she had put Nathan into that role already, but the part of her that wanted that simple, happy part of life reared its head and she knew she had to squash it back down.

She busied herself while Nathan was gone, readying an unopened bag of macaroni on the stovetop. Between that and the brick of Velveeta she'd found, she could whip up some mac and cheese that wouldn't win any awards, but would serve the need for comfort food well enough.

When Nathan returned, he placed the milk on the counter and leaned against it, looking at Sydney. "So, is it weird that the thought of a beautiful woman cooking dinner in my kitchen kinda turns me on?"

Sydney giggled. "Fun fact number two: I've known David and Arlen for a very long time, nothing that can turn you on will ever be construed as 'weird.'" She left things at that.

He laughed. "Good to know." He looked at what Sydney was cooking. "Guess my rations here were okay?"

"I made due." She went to him and ran her fingers through his already tousled hair. "The grocery store isn't a scary place, I promise." Fifteen minutes later, they were back on the couch, bowls of cheesy heaven in their hands, watching the Discovery Channel and enjoying every moment of it.

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