Chapter 37 - Assault

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"There she is!" Rick Swearingen, the boys' gym teacher, spotted Sydney as soon as she turned the corner. Sydney forgot to run copies of that day's test and arrived to school early to be sure she could make it to the copier.

Her stomach dropped and she did her best not to roll her eyes. She didn't care for Rick. There was no problem with him initially, but ever since the Christmas party he tried hitting on her at least once a week. "Morning, Rick," she said as politely as she could.

"How was your weekend?"

"Fine, yours?"

He smiled and it made Sydney cringe inside. She knew what was coming next. "It could have been so much better for both of us." He winked at her. "One day, you're going to get curious and say yes when I ask you out."

"Rick, I think I've been pretty clear that you aren't my type."

He ignored her statement. "Saw Gardner go in your room and close the door last week. He harassing you? I could put a stop..."

"No, he isn't." But you are! She had to cover herself. "I got some bad news that morning, he lent an ear and helped me gather myself together." It was mostly true.

"Sydney, you can always come to me." He walked closer to her and she wished that anyone else would appear in the hallway. He made her painfully uncomfortable.

"You don't talk to me except to ask me out..."

"Say yes and I'll stop asking."

"No." She couldn't place why, but her heart began to race. "Look, I have to go."

"No classes to get to yet, no students." He was in her personal space, far too close for comfort. "Why don't you just tell me why the idea's so bad, hm?"

Sydney unconsciously backed up and found herself against the wall. "Rick, I don't know how much more clear I can be. I'm not interested, period. I've never gone for jocks, not even when I was in high school."

"You seemed interested at the Christmas party."

Her eyes went wide. "Seriously? You had a hand in getting me drunk – that's interested to you?"

His voice was calm, which made it all the more unnerving. "Stop being such a prissy little bitch and just go out with me. I'm a good time."

Her eyes went wide and she made to move away from him. "Did you just call me a bitch?" Rick's hand was on her arm. "You absolutely do not touch me!" She pulled, but he didn't let go, only tightened his grip.

"I have an inkling that you like it rough and that you're one hell of a tease..."

"You're disgusting, let go of me!" Sydney's voiced echoed down the hallway.

Nathan dropped his messenger bag, as well as his coffee, and ran. He was in another corridor, five classrooms away. When he rounded the corner and saw Rick, now with both of his hands on Sydney, he tried his very best not to see red. "Back the fuck away," he said keeping his tone somewhat cool.

"This is none of your business, Gardner."

"Get your hands off her, Rick."

"We're fine, she was just telling me that she's looking forward to our date," he squeezed harder, threatening her, "isn't that right?" She yelped at the pain in her arm and that was it. Nathan, shorter than the man accosting the woman he loved, raised his hands and Rick laughed. "You really think..." Nathan hit him in the side, just below his ribs. "The fuck?" he coughed, letting go of Sydney. She took several steps away and shook her head.

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