Chapter 23 - Lists

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Nathan and Susan pulled into the parking lot of the mall. As they circled looking for a space, Susan smiled and asked her father a very simple question. "So, you're seriously not going to fight me this time?"

"What do you mean?" Nathan asked, spying an empty spot a few yards in from of them.

"I mean...well, you almost let me help you do this before, then you sort of chickened out."

Nathan laughed. "I did, didn't I? Guess I wasn't ready just yet." He pulled into the parking spot and they started their walk into the mall. "Not embarrassed to be out with your dad?"

"You're not the principal anymore, remember?" She took his hand and pulled him toward the glass doors.

"Should have gotten myself fired a lot sooner," he quipped, squeezing her hand. "I did have to jam an eye appointment into today, but I figured you'd be okay on your own for a bit."

Susan's eyes went wide. "Are you kidding me? I am not letting you pick out frames on your own again! You've been wearing those brownish turtle, not sure what shape they want to be, things for ages."

"I thought you liked them?"

"I was twelve, Dad, I didn't know any better."

Nathan looked puzzled. "I've been wearing these for five years?"

"Yup, you didn't want to bother with new - can you even see out of those anymore?"

"Funny, sweetheart, but a good point, it's gotten a little tougher." They walked through the food court and made their way to LensCrafters.

"I can't believe you're going buy things for yourself today. Um, no offense dad, but if it wasn't booze or...uh, boating crap..."

"Right...honey, about that..." He sighed. "We have a few things to talk about over lunch later, okay?"

"Ooookay..." Her happiness took a slight blow, but her father didn't hold a negative tone in his voice, so she wasn't exactly sure what sort of news she was going to get.

His appointment didn't take long and it was only a half hour before they were browsing a new selection of frames. Susan honed in on the perfect pair. "Dad, try these."

"Seriously? You make fun of brown plastic ones, but black?"

She exhaled sharply. "You did say you wanted my help, right? Just try them?"

Nathan took the frames and put them on, humoring his daughter. They were certainly more modern, as they were definite rectangles and not oddly shaped like his current ones were. He looked at himself and tilted his head, questioning his reflection. "I...think I like them?"

Susan smiled. "Yes, Dad, you do. Glasses now are nerd chic, and those totally work on you."

"Okay, I promised I'd take your advice today." He looked at his reflection again and found himself smiling too.

Susan elbowed him. "Dad, I'm all for you changing some things about yourself, but is there maybe any reason other than mom's visit that's prompting this?"

Nathan walked the frames up to the counter. "Not sure what you mean, honey." He filled out the paperwork and presented his insurance card.

"Well, are you maybe thinking about, oh, I dunno, asking someone out?"

Nathan's mind raced backwards to the previous night. He certainly hadn't needed new glasses for that. He hated lying to his daughter, but he respected Sydney's want of privacy...and knew that he himself didn't exactly want any pressure of his own from anyone else. "Susan, I know that you've been wanting me to date, but let's take baby steps here, hm? I'm letting you pick out my glasses and help me update..."

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