Chapter 40 - Babysitting

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Two weeks passed; fourteen days of a crying baby, a couple newly living together, and college-aged angst - and it all occurred under Sydney's roof. Nathan barely saw her outside of school, which made he and Sydney extend the hours they kept in the building. Around five o' clock on a Friday, the couple found themselves in Nathan's classroom unable to control their need for one another.

"This is so very wrong," Sydney said, all but panting. Nathan pressed her against the chalkboard, her backside resting on the chalk ledge. He was kissing her desperately.

"To say nothing of what we did on the other side of the building. I'll be sure to write up detention slips for both of us," he breathed in her ear. His hands roamed her body, reveling in her clothed curves. He hadn't seen her undressed since the night in Sedgwick's office and, even then, she was almost fully clothed. The telltale squeaks of the janitor's cart in the hallway made them pull apart. Nathan cleared his throat and walked to his desk, Sydney smoothed out her sweater and skirt. "Dinner?" he asked."

Sydney smiled. "When?"

"Tonight? Baby, I miss you."

"I can't," she frowned. "Arlen begged me to watch Kayla tonight. It'll be the first time he and David leave her and..." She watched as Nathan's face fell. "If they don't get out of the house for a night, I might kill them." She brushed his arm. "I miss you too."

Nathan cocked his head. "Just you there tonight?"

"Yeah, Jess is..." She sighed. "Honestly, I can't remember. I know it's some trip for one of his classes."

"Then we'll eat in."

"You really want to baby-sit with me?" she laughed.

"Honey, if we don't get some time together, I think I might crack." The janitor's cart was far enough down the hall that Nathan deemed things safe and slid his arms around her waist. "I happen to be very good with infants. It'll be a date...with a bonus tiny person."

Sydney smiled. "They're leaving at seven-thirty."

"Then I'll see you at eight."

Nathan was barely inside the door a few hours later when Sydney claimed his lips as hers. He could smell something wonderful coming from the kitchen, as her hands reached around to slide into his back pockets. "Okay, better now," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Something smells good." He ran his fingers through her hair and gazed into her eyes. "Do you ever think we'll..." He stopped.

Sydney smiled knowingly and pulled back from him, going to the kitchen. "More often than I should." Nathan followed her and felt his stomach rumble. The kitchen table was already set and within a few minutes she was serving them both. "I didn't have time for anything fancy, just some pesto chicken."

"It's perfect," Nathan said, taking his first bite.

They actually worked on their mentoring program as they ate, taking notes and setting up a rather solid strategy. They had been working on the project nearly every night for the last two weeks, the perfect cover to stay late at school. They also talked about the upcoming spring break trip. Nathan convinced Sydney to chaperone. He knew she needed a break from her household, even if it meant babysitting in a different sense - the time couldn't arrive fast enough. Nathan was helping her with the dishes when cries came over the monitor.

"Oh, I get to meet someone," Nathan nearly sang, smiling a little too widely.

Sydney laughed, drying her hands. "Hm, not sure you want to do that right now. Sounds like the 'I'm stinky' cry." She left to go upstairs, Nathan following closely behind. They entered Kayla's room and Nathan found himself pleased that he had a hand in making it so perfect for the baby girl. "Oh, yeah, definitely the stinky cry," Sydney said, approaching the crib. "What do your daddies feed you, baby girl," she cooed. As she lifted Kayla from the crib, Nathan's chest tightened. He simply watched, silent, as Sydney tended to her. Once finished, Kayla was still fussy and Sydney looked at Nathan with apologetic eyes. "It'll be a minute," she said, her voice taking on a higher tone.

She walked across the room, to the glider in the corner, and sat down. She began to hum, rocking the baby and stroking her cheek with her finger. Nathan recognized the tune as "Baby Mine" from Dumbo and smiled. Within a few minutes, Kayla was asleep and Sydney put her back in her crib. "Arlen uses pop, but Disney tunes work better for me."

"You're a natural," Nathan whispered, closing the door over behind them.

Sydney shrugged. "I made most of my money in junior high and high school babysitting." They went back downstairs and got comfortable on the couch. "Sorry it's not a more exciting night." She snuggled against him, wishing she could hide how tired she was.

He kissed the top of her head, loving that they could be close and relaxed. "I wouldn't mind more nights like this," he confessed. He ran his fingers along her arm, his mind racing. "You can sleep, Syd."

"Some date this would be if I did that," she laughed. She turned on the television and tried valiantly to watch a movie with him, but lost the battle with her eyelids. When she woke a couple of hours later, she was alone on the couch. Disappointment quickly clouded her mind - until she heard something over the baby monitor.

"Good night, my angel time to close your eyes...and save these questions for another day..."

Sydney's hand went to her mouth and her heart melted. She crept up the stairs and down the hallway, her heart melting as she did so. When she reached Kayla's room, she felt tears in her eyes.

"...and like a boat out on the ocean, I'm rocking you to sleep..." Nathan was standing near the window, Kayla in his arms, rocking her...singing her back to sleep. "...the water's dark and deep inside this ancient heart, you'll always be a part of me..." He looked down at the baby, now fast asleep and smiled. He placed her back in the crib and only then saw Sydney. "You were out cold," he said, going to her. He took her into his arms and kissed her forehead. "It was the 'I'm hungry' cry and..."

"Oh, Nathan."

"I always got up with Susan, it was just instinct aren't upset are you? Did I cross a line?"

She shook her head, the words not coming to her fast enough. "I can't believe...that might be one of the sexiest things I've ever seen you do."

Nathan smiled and took her hand, leading her down the hall to her bedroom. He pulled back the covers and waited for her to crawl into bed, then slid in beside her, taking her into his arms. He stroked her hair as he whispered to her. "Sydney...when we get there, and I know we will, we're going to have all of this." His words were certain.

Sydney smiled into him and fell asleep. She wasn't upset when she woke up alone the next morning. She found a note from Nathan under her pillow letting her know he snuck out before Arlen and David got home. She stayed in bed, where she could smell him, and fantasized about the life she knew she wanted.

**Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel)– Billy Joel**

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