Chapter 32 - Bound to You

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"Things are going rather seamlessly tonight, hm?" Nathan managed to appear at Sydney's side and almost caused her to jump.

"It would seem so, though I can't say the same for what happens afterwards." She was looking at Jess and Brynn, once again on the dance floor together - Eric all but staring holes into them.

"Could be worse..."

She turned and looked into Nathan's eyes. "Could be so much better." Her tone was helpless, which Nathan wasn't expecting.

"Hey," he put a hand on her arm, "what's wrong?"

Sydney shook her head and looked away from him. "It's nothing. Stupid, really."

"Hey, history man!" Abbi's irritating voice cut into their conversation. "Dance with me."

"Abbi, I'm talking to someone."

She shrugged. "Doesn't look like a very interesting conversation. Come on, I wanna dance."

Nathan closed his eyes, trying his very best not to let out the string of insults currently coming to mind. "Please give me a minute here and we will, okay?"

"Fine," she spat. She turned her attention to Sydney. "Don't you have something you should be doing?"

"Oh, I have plenty of things I'd like to do," Sydney replied, a forced smile on her face. Abbi stormed away. 

Nathan sighed, his head beginning to hurt. "Syd, I will never be able to apologize enough about this."

Sydney took a deep breath, refusing to let that woman get under her skin. "It's fine. This just isn't, and never will be, my holiday." A strained laugh left her throat and she hated how she sounded. 

"It isn't over yet," Nathan offered, trying to get her gaze back - she wouldn't look at him.

"It doesn't matter. Nathan, I'm sorry. I'm acting like a child. I'm the one who told you that today didn't matter, so none of this should be bothering me."

"I'm glad it's bothering you." He got what he wanted when her eyes met his again, questioning his words. "It lets me know that you really did want to be with me tonight." Sydney's skin turned pink immediately. "Just remember, the night isn't over." He winked at her and made his obligatory way back to Abbi.

"Sydney?" Sydney turned to the voice that had called her name. It was Jason, the acting stage manager for the evening.

"That tone doesn't sound very good," she winced.

The man cringed a little. "We're gonna run short."


"The cellists, their flight was cancelled – weather."

"What? There isn't a flake outside!"

"Yeah. About that, it's not here yet, but they were flying in from their stop in Cleveland and..."

"Great, so there goes twenty minutes. Figures, things were going so smoothly and..." She had an idea. It was a bit of a long shot and she'd have to deal with Abbi again, but she had to ask. "Don't worry, I might have a at least a few minutes of filler." She left Jason behind and went to the dance floor. She saw Abbi desperately trying to nuzzle against Nathan's cheek, but he wasn't having any of it. She tapped the woman on the shoulder. "I'm sorry, but I really need to cut in."

"You have got to be kidding me," Abbi snapped. "Absolutely not, he's my date!"

Nathan groaned and rolled his eyes. "For the hundredth time this isn't a date, and you certainly can't speak for me."

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