Chapter 48 - Secret's Out

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A week later, Sydney found herself alone in the house with Kayla, frazzled and running very much on empty. All week long she had been indisposed. As soon as she got home from work she was cooking dinner, doing laundry, dealing with the latest Jess drama and helping to care for Kayla. She was everyone's wife and mother without being either of those things to anyone under her roof. She managed to keep her composure and didn't complain much, though she did miss seeing Nathan outside of school. He was the only one she would vent to, and only slightly. It wasn't until she found herself covered in a regurgitation of Kayla's formula that she picked up her cell phone and called him. He was at her door fifteen minutes later.

"Oh, sweetheart." He wasn't sure whether to laugh or pity her. Her shirt was covered in "used" formula, her hair was wild and knotted, and her eyes were exhausted. Kayla was in her arms, cooing and certainly much happier than "Auntie Syd."

"I..." She closed her eyes and sighed. "Nathan, I'm so tired and I smell like baby puke. I've been doing this all week. I barely got through grading those," she pointed to a stack of tests, a few of them soggy. "She got them, too."

"What can I do for you?" he asked, tucking some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

"I don't know why I called you, I just...I'm sorry."

Nathan shook his head and reached for Kayla. The baby cooed once more as he took her into his arms. "I'm glad you called, I hate only seeing you at school."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, this is so much better."

His eyes were kind. "Of course it is." He kissed her cheek. "Need a shower?" She nodded. "I'll clean this little one up, you go take care of yourself, okay?"

"I love you," she said, a smiled finally crossing her lips. "You know...I can handle all of this..." She was clearly embarrassed and didn't want Nathan to think that she wouldn't be able to handle family of her own. "'s just that..."

Nathan shook his head again, more adamant. "I would never leave all of this for you to handle on your own. Go on, honey." She went upstairs and Nathan followed. He went into Arlen's bathroom and cleaned up Kayla, smiling at the baby girl all the while. He missed this, he wanted it again, and he wanted it with the woman currently in the shower. "This is all a bit soon, isn't it?" he asked the baby, his voice pleasant. "Hasn't even been six months and I want so much." He re-diapered and dressed her, not missing a beat, then took her back downstairs to have a second go at her dinner; he was successful. He was rocking her in front of the window when David came home.

"Nathan?" he said surprised and somewhat smug, his voice off.

"David," Nathan replied with a congenial nod.

"May I ask why you're holding my daughter?"

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "May I ask why your speech is slurred?" David glared in response. "Sydney is in the shower. She was having a rough night and needed some help."

"And she called you to help with the baby?"

"Being a father, I am pretty well qualified," he quipped, puzzled at David's attitude.

"Playing house then?" His eyes were glazed and unfocused. "Using Kayla as a prop?" He reached for the baby, but Nathan took a step back.

"I don't think that's the best idea right now."

"And you holding her is a good one?"

"David, do you have a problem with me?" he asked, deciding to be blunt.

David laughed, the sound cold. "You're not good enough for her."



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