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People say they hate Mondays even I do but today was a good day. I went shopping with my cousins and believe me when I say I bought 22 jeans of all the possible shades, 39 tops, 4 cute dresses which my cousins insisted on buying and which I am never going to wear because I never wear shorts and dresses, that's my motto- ready to go when there is no skin show, 18 crazy finger rings which I love, a few more accessories and 7 pair of foot wears. I am not at all a shopping lover but my cousins are and they convinced me to buy a whole new wardrobe for my new life in USA. Did I mention they even made me buy 25 sexy lingeries? Yeah they did. I was totally against it because I am not going there to get laid. I am going there to study.

We all came back to my house at 7:30pm after shopping. After getting fresh we went downstairs where my mom was setting the dining table. We all sat down and started eating.

"So Natasha how was shopping?" my mom asked mockingly. She knows how I hate shopping.

"It was actually good. I enjoyed shopping today." My mom started choking by my words. Yeah I know how dramatic but I still love her.

"Baby I still think it's not a good idea to leave India and go to USA. You've never been alone and with everything that happened in the past I don't want you to be alone. You need someone to take care of you and going to USA means you'll be there by yourself and I don't know baby I am so scared." I could hear the fear in her voice. With every word her voice got low. I hate that I am the reason behind her fear.

"Mom you need to stop worrying about me. I am fine and I am not a child anymore. I learnt from previous mistakes and I won't let anything or anyone hurt me. I need to move on from that thing. It won't happen again. Nothing will happen. I can't let that thing decide my future. I want to go to USA and start fresh. I promise I'll take care of myself." I tried to convince my mom even though I wasn't convinced by that. Easier said than done. I can never forget my past. Every night I wake up from horrible nightmare of my past. My mom doesn't know about my nightmares.

It was really difficult to convince my mom to let me go to USA. When I first told her about my scholarship she was happy but when she learnt that I have to go to USA she totally refused to let me go. I think convincing my mom was more difficult than studying for the exam but I still managed to convince her. And my dad, well let's not talk about him right now.

"Ok fine I won't say anything. Let's eat now." my mom let out a frustrated sigh.

"Mom where's dad?" I asked even when I knew the answer.

"He's at work honey and he's not going to come here till next Monday. He's going to stay at grandma's place. Why do you ask when you already know the answer?" I didn't know what to say so I just shrugged.

"So that means he'll not be here when I'll leave." I asked.

"Baby I am sorry. You know he doesn't listen to me. I can't help it baby".

"Mom please why are you apologising? It's not your fault and never will so stop apologising."

It's not my mom's fault that my dad treats us like that but she always thinks like that. This is another reason I want to go to America. I'll work very hard and then I'll take her and my brother over there. Yes I have a seven year old brother and I love him very much but at the same time he's so irritable that I want to hate him. You'll understand my point if you have a younger sibling.

"God you guys are emotional wreck. Please stop this emotional talk. Let's enjoy our dinner. Aunt Riya we have only 3 days with her so please let's make these three days special for her." My cousin Myra said looking at my mother.

"Yeah Myra is right auntie forget everything and give her all the love, blessing and care she deserves. Give her a nice farewell". My other cousin Ruhi said.

"Ok ok fine I'll leave it. Are you guys finished? I'll bring the desert. I made your favourite custard baby." My mom said. I jumped 5 feet in air don't judge me I love custard and I eat 4-5 bowls at a time. Actually I am a food lover and can eat anything and everything if I am hungry. I don't give a damn about the calorie thing.

"Yes mom I am finished. Bring me the desert." We all started laughing. Well there was nothing there to laugh but laughing is good and it's our thing which no one can understand.

After eating and cleaning I and my cousins went to my room and started chatting. We can chat about everything and nothing. My cousins are very close to me. They support me and never judge me and I love that about them. We tell each other everything. There is no wall that separate us. Not to forget that they helped me convincing my mom about the whole scholarship and USA thing.

"Guys I need your help in packing. I won't take no for an answer. I would've packed a few things today if you didn't take me for shopping today. I have only 3 days."

"Of course silly we'll help you pack. Don't worry about it." Myra said.

"We'll start tomorrow morning. You just relax Nat. We'll take care about it. You just rest and watch us work." Ruhi said.

"Ok if you say so but I am not sitting idle. I need to see if I pack everything that I need."

"That's ok with us but for now goodnight sleep tight leave it on us and we'll make it alright." Ruhi said.

"Woww you know you can be a great poet ruhi." I said and Myra agreed.

"Tell me something new Nat." we all laughed and slept.

A/N : picture of Natasha's wardrobe  at the top....loved it <3<3

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now