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Update. Update. Update.

Natasha's POV.

"Natasha Kapoor!! Tell us what the hell happened to you." Sarah demanded with a firm voice.

"I DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT. OKAY? LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! I yelled at her. Since I ran back to our room with tears flowing down my cheeks, Sarah and Juliet have been nagging me to tell them what happened. I understand their concern, but right now, I just want to be left alone. Is it too much to ask?

"No. We aren't leaving. Your only option is to tell us what exactly happened. We never force you to tell us anything. This kinda thing happened before as well but we didn't ask you anything. But now, tell us everything. We are best friends and we share every problem with each other, but you never do that. Don't you consider us as your friends? Let alone best friends." Sarah asked. I could hear the hurt in her voice.

"Guys...I know you are worried about me...fine...Sarah, Austin kissed me and Zach saw it. Zach thinks I cheated on him. There are other things I am worried about, so, since past few weeks, I was feeling very low. Zach questioned me about it and I didn't tell him anything. Now he thinks that I was cheating on him all that time and that's why I was acting so strange which is not true at all. I don't know what to do. I am so lost." I explained.

"That jerk. I didn't know my brother would stoop so low. I am so sorry. You need to tell him that it was Austin who kissed you." Sarah replied.

"I tried but he was way too furious to listen. He beat the shit out of Austin. Austin was drunk out of his mind to defend himself."

"What was worrying you since the past few weeks?" Juliet asked and I stiffened. I almost forgot she was there in the room as well.

"Uh...It's nothing really." I stuttered.

"It's obviously not nothing." Juliet scoffed.

"I...Someone is...stalking me."

"WHAT?" They both shouted together.

"H-he is sending me threatening blood written notes and such. I don't know what to do. I was trying to figure out who that person is. I suspect two people." I said cautiously.

"Who do you suspect?" Juliet asked curiously.

"Damon and A-Austin." I said looking at Sarah whose face was now completely blank. The room suddenly grew very silent.

"How could you say like that? How could you say that Austin is the one who is stalking you?" She said without any emotion. This Sarah is strange.

"Many things points in his direction." I replied.

"Just because he kissed you doesn't make him a suspect. He likes you. Wait, he fucking loves you. Why would he stalk you and hurt you? Not everything is about you Natasha." She defended Austin. I stood there shocked. She thinks I am lying?

"Sarah, not just because he kissed me. That one day, he had my bag and that day, I got a note. The other note was written in blood and when I noticed Austin's finger, he had cut on his finger. Everytime Zach and I are together, he looks at us strangely. What does all this say huh?" I tried to prove my point. Keyword, try.

"Austin can never do this. Yes he made a mistake to love you. He made a mistake to kiss you. But he won't hurt anyone. He is incapable of hurting someone. So stop saying he is the one who is stalking you. You maybe my best friend but he is my brother. I trust him." She gritted out trying her hardest to not shout at me.

"I am not saying that he is the one who is doing all this. I am saying he maybe the one. And I am not shooting arrows in the air. I noticed some things because of which I am suspecting him. Not everything can be a coincident." I replied but I had a feeling she won't listen and that's exactly what happened. She stomped out of the room closing the door with a huge bang.

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