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"You will pay for that bitch. How dare you? You know, there is no one over here to save your ass." He said coming near me threateningly. "If you co-operate with me, I will make it less painful."

"No please leave me alone. Why are you doing this? Please let me go." I begged.

"I like it when you beg and scream." He said and slapped me hard.

"No no stop please stop aagghhhhh"-"Nat, Natasha wake up sweety it's a bad dream". I heard Myra's voice. I was breathing hard. I opened my eyes to see Myra and Ruhi staring at me with worried expression.

"Here take this" Ruhi said handling me a glass of water. I drank the whole content in one gulp.

"You ok?" Myra asked after few minutes of silence. I shook my head. "I- it's my nightmare. I don't know but I have them so frequently. It's been 6 months, still no progress."

"It'll be alright. We are here. Just go back to sleep. You need rest" Myra said laying me back.

"Goodnight Nat" I heard before drifting back to deep slumber.

I woke up to my alarm ringing on the bedside table. I groaned and sat up. You see I am not a morning person. I can sleep at any place, any time- comfortable or not. I went to my bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I saw my reflection. I was not beautiful just an average looking Indian girl with dark brown eyes, light red lips, waist length dark brown wavy hair which looks black but isn't, average height of 5'4- actually I am the tallest among my cousins and wheat brown complexion. I let a long sigh and brushed my teeth. After brushing and washing my face I went downstairs to see my mom and cousins in the kitchen chatting and making breakfast.

"Morning everyone" I announced my arrival.

"Morning Nat" everyone said. Mom set the dining table and we all sat to eat breakfast.

"mmmmnnhhh oh mom I love you these are the best pancakes" I moaned making everyone laugh.

"Di, when you'll go to USA will you forget me?" my brother asked while drinking his coffee (In case you guys are confused 'Di' means elder sister in Hindi. We don't call elders by their name).

"Of course not. How can I forget my little devil brother" I said making him giggle.

After breakfast we helped my mom in the kitchen and went to my room to start packing.

"Ok so now we are going to divide our works. Ruhi, you pack all the jeans in a suitcase. Nat, you pack the tops and I'll pack the rest." Myra said while opening my cupboard and taking out all the clothes and separating tops and jeans.

"Hey you guys bought me a whole new wardrobe and I'm taking only the new clothes with me so don't even think about packing the old ones." I told Myra taking out the suitcases.

"Nat we bought a new wardrobe that doesn't mean you are not taking your old wardrobe with you. We know you very well, you won't go shopping over there so it is better we pack everything. And stop arguing with us because you are not going to win." Ruhi said with a scowl and I shut my mouth because I know I'm not going to win this argument.

"Fine do whatever you want" I said and continued folding the tops and keeping it in the suitcase.

After spending six hours of packing with just 15 minutes snack break we finished packing everything.

"I couldn't believe we finished packing. Are you sure there is nothing left?" Ruhi asked Myra who was scribbling something on a notepad.

"Well let's see. Jeans and shorts- check, tops-check, undergarments-check, dresses- check, accessories and footwear-check, bathroom necessities-check" Myra said while ticking something on the notepad. "Ok so we are done with packing all the things. Tomorrow we are going to pack the important papers like id- proofs, passports, visa, mark sheets etc etc. As for now we are going to have a horror movie marathon with ice-creams and pop corns"

"Yeahhhhhhh finally. C'm on now let's go out first I'm starving then we'll do whatever you want." I said jumping like a five year old.

"Fine let's go." they said in unison getting up from the floor.

It was already 9:30 pm when we returned. We bought various flavors of ice-cream on the way back. I went to the kitchen and kept the ice-cream in the freezer and started making pop corns while my cousins were selecting the movies. I went back to the living room carrying three bowls of popcorn and sat on the couch in between Ruhi and Myra. I handled them their bowls and we started watching Exorcism of Emily Rose, one of my favorites.

I woke up at the sound of someone screaming. I was lying on the couch, Ruhi was sleeping on the love seat next to the couch and Myra was sleeping on the floor. Conjuring was playing on the TV. I walked up to the table to search the remote and switched it off. I went back to the couch and laid down. Two more days to go I thought before going back to sleep.

A/N :  HEY GUYZZZZ   Hw r ya'll? well here's the second chapter. This chapter is also UNEDITED so there will be errors. I am trying my best to write and i promise it will get better and better as we go further. Please give my book a try and if you find it worthy enough please VOTE my chapters and make me smile.

Thank u

love you all <3<3

see you in next chapie and now let me switch off my lappy and go to bed happy for a goodnight nappy.

lol okay now that just came to my mind while typing.....hahahaa


IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now