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This chapter is dedicated to @orangelovesgreen as she is always the first one to read and vote my work. Thanks Priya...Guys do read her book. It's a Niall Horan ff and its awesome.

Nikhil's POV (didn't see that coming huh?)

I felt so content with my life. I was at the top of the world when I got the email about getting accepted in the Harrison University. I've always wanted to come here as it was my dream university. I've heard many things about this university so I researched about it and when I heard about the scholarship, it was cherry on the top. I started working really hard for the scholarship. My family was very supportive and specially my sister, Nikita.

My sister was my life. She was the light of our family. Seeing me so passionate about the scholarship, she encouraged me to work harder and harder. Obviously, the scholarship wasn't an easy task as thousands students from all over the world were applying for it. There were times, when I gave up due to the pressure it involved, but my sister pushed me to continue until I finally gave up on giving up my dream.

I felt that my sister was going through something hard in her life but I never asked. After her death, I realised my mistake. If only I had asked her about the things bothering her. My parents always try to assure me that it's not my fault but I always feel like that. I told Natasha that my sister died due to cancer but that was the half-truth. She was on drugs. Shocking I know, but truth anyways.

I couldn't imagine my sister doing that deed. I never believed the doctors until they showed me the reports. The reasons of this drug mystery is still unknown but the investigation is in process. After her sudden death, my life was in coma. I didn't feel anything except remorse. I gave up my passion about my dream university and started searching for my own clues about the peril she was in before she died. But alas! That was of no use as I never got anything from that.

One night she came in my dream and told me to not give up on my passion. I remember that night so well.


I came from Nikki's (Nikita, Nikhil's sister) best friend's house defeated. It's been 2 fucking months since that dreadful day. The day I lost my precious little sister. I've been such a bad brother to her lately. I knew something was wrong with her. I could sense her discomfort but I don't know, why the fuck didn't I ask her. Sometimes I feel like, this was meant to happen, but then again, the majority of the times I feel like this is all my fault.

My sister was closer to me than our elder brother as we were just a year apart from each other. She used to tell me everything and vice-versa. We used to fight too, but that's what siblings do right?

I cried and cried thinking about my sister and my memories with her because that's what is left with me of her. People leave us, but their memories is what they leave behind for their loved ones.

I was in a very familiar park. The joyous sound of the children playing was like a melodious song to my ear. The wind blowing with so much spirit. The wind was calling out for me as if wanting me to follow it. Without waiting anymore, I started walking in the direction of the wind, letting it take me wherever it wants.

Walking down the similar path, I realised where the wind was leading me. It was taking me to the 'core'. 'Core', the place I discovered with my sister 5 years back. The place, where I and my sister spent majority of our free time. The place, where I used to come when I wanted to be alone. The place, where I and my sister used to be the happiest.

This place was in the centre of the park, surrounded by huge trees. It was a very hideous place. No one knew of this place as no one entered this area. I accidently discovered it when I was playing throw-ball with my sister. The ball went too far and into those tree. I went in search of the ball and discovered the place. It was very beautiful. There was a clearing amongst the tree which was impossible to notice from the outside so people never wandered over here. At one corner, there was a lone wild flower. And that's why we called it 'the core' as it was in the middle of the park.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now