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A/N: Thankyou for 5k+ reads 1k+ votes and 1k+ comments. You have no idea how much that means to me.

This chapter is dedicated to

February 14, 2016

Dear diary

It's Valentine's Day. An excuse for people to fool around in open and hold parties. I don't know why people like going to parties. To see people making out? To see sweaty people grinding on each other on the dance floor? To hear that stupid songs that causes noise pollution? Ugh.

I hate parties but today I have to make an exception. For Krish. He wants to go to the party very badly. I wouldn't have had a problem if the host was someone else. Someone other than Shraey. He is a jerk. He always comes in between us. Tries to break us apart. He flirts with me so many times in front of Krish. Krish thinks he is a good guy. But I know, he isn't. I am not looking forward to today.

Krish says he will be there with me all the time. I know he will. But I am still worried. Something bad is gonna happen today. I have a gut feeling. My instincts are never wrong. Let's hope for the best.

I love myself. :)



I turned to page but there was nothing on the next page or the next. I flipped the pages until I came to an entry. It was of March.

March 14, 2016

Dear diary,

It's been one month. The worst one month of my life. The worst month, filled with agonising pain in my heart and a pure torture of hell. He is gone. He left. He left me broken.

How could I do this to him? How could I let him go from my life? I miss him so much but he doesn't miss me back. Otherwise, he would have came back. For me.

But no. He hates me now. I don't know what to do. I brought this on myself.

I hate myself.



March 16, 2016

Dear diary,

I am having nightmares. I am so scared. Everytime I close my eyes, I couldn't get you two out of my mind. I hope Krish is okay. Though he left me, I couldn't stop loving him. Caring for him. I miss him.

The whispers inside me are rising to a crescendo of scream. But I am quite to the world and a noise to myself.

I hate myself



March 23, 2016

Dear diary,

As I sit down with my pen and paper and then your thoughts cloud my head.
That's the time I realise, all the ink and paper in the world would not suffice.

A thousand words won't bring you back. I know because I have tried. Neither will a thousand tears. I know because I have cried.

I hate myself.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now