Epilogue...Part - 2 (Unedited)

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Zach's POV

One of the greatest feeling is accomplishing something that you once thought was impossible.

If you would've asked me a few years back about me being the CEO, I would've punched you. But this, being actually mature enough to manage a company, mending the broken relationships and finally be able to have enough courage to ask my girl for marriage; is something I can never describe in words.

Yes, today I am going to propose Tasha. I am nervous like every other guy but something tells me tonight everything will work out just perfect.

Looking back, everything was a missing piece of puzzle but today, the puzzle is almost complete. Almost.

If she says yes...no, when she says yes, my puzzle will be complete. Life is a puzzle and you need all the small pieces to see the big picture. Some pieces may seem less important but it might actually be a piece of heaven.

"May I have your kind attention ladies and gentlemen." My dad's voice boomed in a professional demeanour.

"“Few years back, life wasn’t as it is now. Yes I had everything I ever wanted. A family. But it wasn’t complete. My son didn’t accept me and what could be worse than that?

He was determined. Determined to protect his mother and for that I am very grateful to you.” Dad said with pride pouring out of his words while mom kissed my cheek.

“Son, I have never thanked you for accepting me as your father. Today, I’ll do that. Thank you. For trusting me. I am so happy and proud to introduce you to the world as my son. My successor. My heir.

Oh how I have awaited this moment my entire life.” He asserted, his voice quivering at the end.

“To my son, Zachary David William.” He said raising a toast. “Come on up son.”

“Good evening everyone.” I greeted with confidence.

“It must have been very hard for my dad to start everything from a scratch. Although I didn’t try to understand you at first, now, I do.

I can’t be as great as you. But I’ll try to be like you. The way you handle everything with utmost ease. The way you maintain the balance between your personal and professional life. I promise to work hard and bring great successes to the company and all its employees. Thank you and have a great evening.” I declared.

“How was I up there?” I asked Tasha putting my hand around her waist.

“When are you not amazing Zach?” She replied with a proud smile.

“Never. Anyways, come with me?”

“Where to?”

“Somewhere. Come on.” I grabbed her hand and walked her upstairs and to the balcony.

Natasha's POV

The night was so beautiful. The wind sensuously dancing around, singing a melodious song happily as if it knows something that I don’t.

Under a sky of perfect midnight velvet, under stars so brilliant they drew the eyes heaven bound, Zach’s eyes seemed distant.

“Zach?” I called out.

“I thought it would be easier.” He replied looking at me with love.

“What would be easier?” I asked confused.

“Tasha, my love, when I look into your eyes, I get this peace that I have been looking for so long. We are so different yet so similar. Both looking for some solitude but ending up finding companionship within each other.

With you, everything seems so alive and beautiful. I promise to love you and support you in every ups and downs of your life. You make my life worth living.

There is so much more to say, so much more to do, and it will require our whole lives. So, will you marry me?” Zach proposed getting down on his knees while I stood with my mouth open and tears flowing down my cheeks.

“Yes.” I whispered.

Out of all the bright stars in the sky, his smile after my reply was the brightest. He slid the green diamond ring onto my finger.

“This ring signifies that true love do exist. You just have to wait for the perfect time and all would be good. Your true love will heal your broken heart.”

Saying that, he kissed me under that velvety starry night.

Yes, everything did turn out perfect.

The end...


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