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A/N: Sorry to post an author's note at the start but I really wanted to ask something.

Since Donald Trump is now the president, I have been hearing so many bad things about him. Like all of the comments are bad and against him.


Is Natasha safe in USA?
Okay you guys can ignore this.


So as the title says, there is a little intimate moment of Zasha later on in this chapter. I don't know how it will come out as I am not good at writing those kinda things. But you guys are warned. Read at your own risk.

It may have many errors as I wrote this chapter in a haste.


"So..." I trailed off.

"So?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

"You are tiny." I stated with a straight face but erupted into laughter when I saw his face.

"Well you know right, that kids have tiny?" He asked.

"I don't go around looking at kids' future family jewels." I snorted.

"Kids' future family jewels?" He asked amused.

"Yeah...But your mother stated it clearly." I said ignoring him.

"It seems you are desperate to find out how big junior Zach is." He smirked.

"Eww Zach. That is so gross. Shut up." I said making a face.

"That gross thing is gonna be your favourite thing soon." He teased.

"Nathan said the same thing."

"WHAT? WHY IS HIS DICK GONNA BE YOUR FAVOURITE THING?" He yelled so loudly that I had to cover my ears and erupt into another fits of laughter with the possessiveness in his voice.

"I am gonna fucking kill him if he ever tries to take you away from me." He gritted out.

"Woah. Keep it in your boxer dude. You got it all wrong." I said chuckling.

"Huh?" He asked and believe me, he looked like a lost puppy.

"I mean, when we were in the classroom, you know what. So Nathan said the same thing to me that your gross thing is gonna be my favourite thing soon." I explained and he sighed in relief and embarrassment.

"Uh okay." He said awkwardly, clearly embarrassed with the situation and I started laughing again. He pouted with a mock sad face. Awwwww. I pecked on his pouted lips. (Picture in the media)

The night came earlier than expected. I was having a good time. Not for ones, I remembered the things bothering me. All day long, we talked and watched movies. I guess he was expecting me to choose a romantic movie so he borrowed some romantic movies from Megan.

The notebook.
Walk to remember.
Fault in our stars.
Endless love and so much more.

Personally, I don't like romantic movies so I haven't seen any of the romantic movies he borrowed from Megan. He was shocked to say the least when I said I haven't seen 'The Notebook' as every girl has watched it atleast once.

Like come on, not every girl are into romantic shit. (A/N: I, myself haven't seen 'The Notebook' yet coz I am not into romantic movies and songs. I am more of a horror/suspense/mystery/thriller/action/adventure fan)

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now