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A/N :  Hello guys....soooooooo sorry for the super late update.....hope you like it....

"Oh my God! I am so tired. I can't even keep my eyes open." I said groaning. After mine and Juliet's little reunion, we chatted for a while about each other's likes and dislikes, well mostly it was about me getting to know them and vice-versa.

"Go and take a nap, you are probably jetlagged." I heard Juliet saying. Well, I think it was Juliet. I was too busy trying to keep myself from sleeping to notice. I still have to get used to their voices.

"No, can't do that. I have loads to unpack." I mumbled half asleep.

"Pillow talk, my enemy, my ally

Prisoners, then we are free it's a thin line....." Juliet started singing and man she could sing.

"I am seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure...." I started singing along with her, fully awake.

"Well well well...a few minutes ago somebody couldn't even keep their eyes open." Sarah said smirking.

"That's because I am still wide awake. I wanna stay up all night and dance on Zayn Malik's song." I sang in Up All Night tune.

"Nat, has anybody told you that you are a good singer?" Juliet asked taking a seat on the bed. Well, have I told you how awesome our room is? No? Let me tell you then. The walls were made up of wood and the floor was covered with a blue coloured carpet. There were 3 single beds separated by a side table. In front of the beds, were the wardrobes. On the far end of the room, was the bathroom. I took the last bed because the other two were of course occupied.

"Yes, some people did tell me that I am a good singer and I must say, you are an amazing singer."

"Why, thank you. And FYI Sarah is also an amazing singer. You know, our team is getting stronger and stronger with all the similarities."

"Seriously! I am glad to know that Sarah is a singer too. I don't want her to feel left out". I said in a teasing tone. Jules was smart enough to understand what I was saying as she continued to tease her as well. "IKR, we don't want her to be the odd girl out. Oh god Nat! Have you seen the movie 'Odd girl out'? What if Sarah tries to suicide like her if she becomes the "odd girl out"."

I tried to control my laugh and added, "Jules I don't even have a black dress to wear at her funeral. Do you have an extra black dress? I think you and I are almost the same size. If not we can go shop- "why you two little jerks". I was cut off by Sarah who was now running after me and Jules, throwing anything at us that came in her hand.

I and Jules made a dash for the lobby. The lobby was dark and the girls were watching a horror movie. I took Jules hand and we slowly went and hid behind the sofa without anybody noticing us. After a few seconds we heard Sarah's voice. She was asking the girls if they have seen Jules and the new girl and we heard some no's. I heard some shuffling of blankets and someone sitting on the sofa behind which we were hiding so I assumed Sarah sat to watch the movie as well. We remained quiet for a few moments when a very brilliant idea came into my mind.

"Jules" I whispered.

"Yeah?" She whispered back.

"Do you want some action and fun?"

"You don't even have to ask that. I am always ready for some fun. What's the plan?"

"Well, how about we scare the fudge out of them. You see, they are watching a horror movie and it's the best time to scare them."

"Okay let's do this. Do one thing before that. Let lose your hair and let it in front of your face."

"Okay." I did as she said and got ready. She did the same thing as well.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now