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Hey guys, how r u beautiful people?

So I finally updated....I am so sorry. I know I take forever to update but I can't help it.... I am really busy but I am taking some time out of my tight schedule to write... hope u won't give up on me... okay so I don't want u guyz to w8 anymore.....enjoy reading... J

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The only word that came out of my mouth upon entering the dorm was- WOW. I mean seriously, I've never seen a dorm before but even if I had seen, I can bet my money, that it wouldn't have been this good. We entered a big lobby where there was a reception area in the corner. In the middle of the lobby, sofas were arranged in a rectangular manner with a small table in between them. The whole lobby was of different shades of brown. The floor was made up of white marble with brown texture and the ceiling was of light shade of brown. There were many small chandeliers which was giving it an ancient look. There were few people in the lobby chatting which I assumed were the students. I was so busy checking out my surrounding that I didn't realise I crashed into someone and fell.

"Oh god I am so sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you alright?" I saw a girl probably the same age and height as mine with light brown hair and pale skin giving me a hand. I took her hand and got up.

"Yes I am fine and it wasn't your fault. I wasn't seeing where I was going." She looked at me for a moment to see whether I was seriously fine before bringing her hand in front for me to shake.

"Hi, I am Juliet and you must be the new girl everyone's talking about."

"Hi, I am Natasha and yes I am the new girl but how did everyone come to know?" I replied shaking her hand.

"Well you may not know this but you are already famous as the "new girl" and also that guy who came with you." I was shocked with this piece of information as I didn't know things will be like this. I thought no one would care if someone new is joining.

"Oh my! I am already so nervous and now everybody knows me as the "new girl". I wonder how I am going to survive the first day with all those strange, judging looks." I started biting my nails a bad habit of mine when I am nervous.

"Calm down Nat. It's not that bad. Everybody gets nervous on their first day so it's common. Don't worry. And now you have me and my best friend, Sarah and she'll love you so chillax girl. We'll be a great team. Awesome threesome. Ah that came out so wrong. Sorry." She was smiling sheepishly.

We both stared at each other and burst out laughing.

"Okay I guess you are right we'll make a great team. But I still have to meet your other friend, Sarah and get her approval as well to join your team."

"Oh don't worry about her she is like me but a little less awesome than me. I am sure she won't have any problem with you in fact she will welcome you with open arms just like your Bollywood star SRK."

"Wait what? You watch Bollywood movies? And how did you know I am Indian?"

"Yes I do watch Bollywood movies but not much. I've seen a few movies of SRK that's why I know. And about your second question any one can say that you are an Indian because of accent and perfect Indian look."

Perfect? Me? Nah. Of course I didn't say that loud.

I opened my mouth to speak only to be cut off by the voice of Mrs Granger.

"I see you made a new friend Miss Natasha. Miss Juliet is a very good company for you." Mrs Granger said looking at me then Sarah who was blushing slightly.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now