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Sarah's POV

I hope I did the right thing by asking Natasha to come to the party. It's so obvious that she doesn't like parties. Maybe the thing, she is keeping a secret is very hurting. It's because of a guy, she hates parties. That asshole. How could someone break her heart like that? She is so innocent and beautiful without even trying but that girl is so oblivious to it.

I wish I could see the guy who broke her fragile heart so that I can beat him to pulp and kill that douchebag. But Nat has to move on with her life and stop dreading over the past. She has to find someone who deserves her and stop wasting her time on that jerk and start living her life the she should.

There weren't many students in the college today but she was noticed by every guy, and those envious girls talking shit about her. Well tomorrow when the bitch's squad will be present, I don't know what's gonna happen. But that doesn't matter, because we'll be there with her.

I am not much of a sleeper. Even a small sound wakes me up easily. Yesterday night, I woke up to a sound. It was like someone was sobbing and I knew it was coming from inside the room. I turned very quietly without getting noticed. What I saw, made my heart clench. It was Natasha. She was sobbing very softly as if afraid of getting caught. She looked so miserable, so hurt, so broken. She was patting her chest as if telling herself to calm down and controlling herself. She looked as if she wants someone to cry on. I wanted to hug her and comfort her but refrain myself from doing so when I saw she was holding onto a book which looked like some diary. Maybe it's something too deep. A breakup doesn't make a person this miserable. Maybe she loved him too much and couldn't bear the thought of him leaving her. That fucking asshole.

After sometime she stopped crying and called someone and after a few time, she was smiling. I like her this way. She went back to sleep with a smile on her face oblivious to the fact that I saw everything. I thought of reading that diary of hers but that would be invasion of privacy and breaking her trust that she has on us is what I am never gonna do.

It was clear that she doesn't want to share her past with us. But I didn't mind that at all. It's been just two days and I am determined to gain enough trust, for her to share her past with us.

I noticed that Natasha was very silent throughout the way. She was in deep thought. Her face was devoid of any emotion. The tension was clear in the air. Juliet looked at me the same time I looked at her. She too knew about yesterday night. I told her the first thing in the morning when Natasha was sleeping.

She is my best friend since forever so I don't hide anything from her and vice-versa. Natasha is now our best friend too, so her concern is our concern. Best friends share problems and try to find a solution so that you don't have to go through them alone. That's what we want Natasha to do. Share her feelings with us.

We both shared a look and nodded at each other. One thing in our friendship is that we understand what the other has to say without even communicating. Many find it weird but it's what we do.

"Hey guys, what are you gonna wear today?" I asked to both of them and hoping that Natasha would snap out of her thoughts and thank the lord she did.

"Oh my god. I am gonna wear my black dress. It's super nice. My mom got it for me for some wedding but I thought it was too good to waste at some damn wedding so I wore another dress for the wedding and saved my black dress for some good occasion. And today's party sounds great. Maybe I'll get a guy or even, better guys. If you know what I mean. Gosh I am so excited." Juliet said wiggling her eyebrows.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now