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'Hey mum.'

'Oh my baby. I miss you so much already. Are you okay? Did you make new friends? Have you settled in completely?' She asked in one breath.

'Easy there mum, I am completely fine and yes I made new friends and they are really awesome.' I replied chuckling.

'Can't blame a mother to be worried about her daughter who is seven oceans across.' She huffed.

'Okay sorry. I know you are worried, but mum, you have to let me go and be independent.'

'I know baby. I just can't help it. It's a mothers instinct to protect her child and I don't want anything to happen to you, specially after the Krish incident.' She sighed.

'Don't worry mum. I am fine. How is dad?' I asked her as I haven't heard from my dad since last month. He just never talks to me and whenever I am around, he ignores me. It's like he can't even stand my existence and it hurts. A lot.

'He is at home but busy working. I am sorry Natasha. I just don't know how to bring him back. But you stop worrying about that. He will come around.' My mom said in a comforting voice but even I know the reality. He won't come back. He just, all of a sudden, started hating me. And I never got a closure as to why he hates me so much.

'Okay mum. I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye. Love you.'

'Bye baby. Take care my love.'

I hung up and kept my phone on the side table. Sarah and Juliet were doing something on their phones. I don't know but they are acting all weird since they woke up. I know they couldn't have heard me crying. When I came out of the bathroom, they were still sleeping. I shrugged.

I sat on my bed cuddling prince. They giggled and high-fived each other but when they noticed me staring, they stopped whatever they were doing and looked at me.

"Is there something I should know?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"N-no. Why would you think that?" Sarah stuttered at first but collected herself together.

"I have a feeling that you guys are hiding something from me." I replied trying to figure out what they were upto.

"Umm we were actually stalking some hot guys on instagram. Oh gosh Nat, you should see them. They have so hot bodies. Those sexy toned abs and biceps. We were actually eye eating them." Juliet said in her as usual excited self while Sarah choked.

I would have believed Juliet if not for Sarah's choking. But now, I have my doubts. It was clear, they didn't wanna say it to me so I let it slide.

I got a call from an unknown number.


'Hey. It's Nathan.'


'Yeah. Umm actually, Nikhil told me you love reading books. I wanted to ask if you would like to go to the library with me tomorrow before college?'

'You read too?' I asked a little surprised.

'Yeah. Don't tell anyone okay? I have a reputation to keep. I am just confused between some books and wanted your opinion.'

'Okay fine E-book.' I laughed when I remembered his full name.

'E-book?' He asked confused.

'Yeah. Nathan Ethan Book.'

'Nat, please don't call me that and you didn't tell me if you'd come or not.'

'Yes E-book. I'd love to help you out.' But why before college? We have plenty of time after college hours.'

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now