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Boooooommmmmm. Finallllyyy we are hereeeee!!!

This chapter is dedicated to


Love you so much for always showing so much interest in reading ILWABB. Your comments never fails to bring a smile on my face. Thanks. ❤ ❤


Thanks for encouraging me to write ILWABB. 😘


Natasha's POV

I closed my eyes and went to that dreadful day. To relive it.


February 14, 2016

Dear diary

It's Valentine's Day. An excuse for people to fool around in open and hold parties. I don't know why people like going to parties. To see people making out? To see sweaty people grinding on each other on the dance floor? To hear that stupid songs that causes noise pollution? Ugh.

I hate parties but today I have to make an exception. For Krish. He wants to go to the party very badly. I wouldn't have had a problem if the host was someone else. Someone other than Shraey. He is a jerk. He always comes in between us. Tries to break us apart. He flirts with me so many times in front of Krish. Krish thinks he is a good guy. But I know, he isn't. I am not looking forward to today.

Krish says he will be there with me all the time. I know he will. But I am still worried. Something bad is gonna happen today. I have a gut feeling. My instincts are never wrong. Let's hope for the best.

I love myself. :)


I closed my diary and kept it aside. I am feeling very anxious. I don't want to go to Shraey's party. But he send me a message saying I have to come to the party with Krish. He even said that there are men watching my every move. Some men are keeping a watch on my family. One wrong decision and he is gonna take a gruesome step.

I thought he finally gave up on hurting Krish. When he stopped coming, I was so happy but then he has to spoil everything by inviting us to the party.

I have to keep an eye out for Krish. Shraey hasn't given up. He is gonna hurt Krish. I tried a lot to explain Krish about the situation. I told him I don't want to go so that he won't go as well but he didn't listen to me.

I can't tell anyone as Shraey is keeping a watch on me as well. I have to be alert tonight.

It was 6 pm and I was waiting for Krish to pick me up. I heard a honk of the car and went outside. Krish was waiting for me in the car.

IN LOVE WITH A BAD BOY #Shines2017Where stories live. Discover now