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My heart is about jumped out of my chest. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. This wasn't supposed to be happening at all!

"Colson!" Jane cried.

"It's going to be ok Jane. I'm right here." I said grabbing her hand.

She was taking shallow breaths but she was still responsive. I took that as a good sign. My mind was still racing. My chest is tightening. I've never had a panic attack before in my life so I can only imagine that this is what it feels like. I can't panic, not now. I have to remain positive.

"Colson!" She yells as they race her down the hall.

"Colson, I'm scared!" She cries

"It's ok baby. I'm here. I promise everything is going to be ok." I try to reassure her.

I took her hand into mine only to have it ripped away again.

"We're sorry sir but you have to move and let us do our job." The nurse said as they rushed her into the OR.

I can't believe this is happening and I can't help but think that this is all my fault. If it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened and they would be ok. I punched the wall and fell to the floor.

Slim and Ashleigh approached me and walked me to the waiting area. I was about to totally lose my shit. Until I noticed Casie's presences. She ran up to me and hugged my legs.

"Daddy, its gonna be ok. Their gonna be ok, won't they?" Casie asked

"Yeah their gonna be ok baby." I said hugging her tightly as tears rolled down my face.

I don't know who I was trying to convince more me or Casie. I had to believe that they were going to be ok.
God, I hope I'm right.

 All We Have (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now